
Essay On Canadian Identity

Decent Essays

My Canadian identity, while abroad and at home, is something that I am constantly grappling with. I am so grateful to have a home in a place that is well liked and respected abroad, but have a hard time justifying our glowing reputation on the world stage the more I learn about Indigenous issues. Coming from a sheltered and privileged urban setting, it wasn’t until university that I became truly aware of Indigenous history and struggles, and the colonial legacies and institutionalized racism that prevail to this day. Thus, it was challenging to give in to the banal nationalism surrounding Canada 150 over the course of 2017 – as I did not feel I could mindlessly enjoy celebrations that often ignored the values and events that this country was founded on (Piller, 2012). For that reason, I chose to travel abroad for a few months over the summer, and dedicated conversations about my country to teaching others about the issues that we face here. With the knowledge about culture that I have gained from this course, I now realize that this choice was made as a result of my deeper value systems and reflects my learned desires to help others.
This is not the first time I have done this, and whilst on my exchange I took a module called “Identities, Inequalities and Policy in Contemporary Society.” Throughout the tutorial component of the class, we were instructed to chose a related issue and apply the weekly theories and examples to ours, and share with our groups. It was a natural

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