The following report is intended to discuss and address the effectiveness of recent and current approaches to the concerns of identity theft in the greater Southern California area. As a senior officer of the ECSU (Electronic Crime Scene Unit) in San Bernardino County, CA, it is my goal to assess and evaluate areas of concern in an effort to correct and improve identity theft detection and prevention programs locally and abroad. Our national security begins at home; in our communities, our schools, and our business. In recent years, our government has taken great measures to protect our nation’s security against identity thieves here in our country as well as our national security against foreign attackers. Not only do we face challenges …show more content…
These sites are designed to educate the public and have other resources available where people can call a hotline number, write to the agency, or email a request or question if they feel they have been the victim of identity theft, or if they just simply want more information. The government cannot realistically monitor each and every person’s banking activity at once; therefore these sites are the greatest tool in identity theft detection and prevention, allowing us all to be able to take the necessary precautions to keep ourselves alert and safe from these crimes. …show more content…
Officers now cannot just send and receive emails; they must have enough knowledge about how to read signs of fraud or other cybercrimes. Officers must understand what types of viruses are out there and what they do to computers to obtain sensitive information on an individual level and especially on a large scale level, for example, cases involving credit card companies or major corporations’ financial records. Officers must know the proper procedures on how to collect e-evidence as well as preserve computer units if needed to be investigated during a case. Last but not least, officers must understand the intricacies of the laws of search and seizure that pertain to computer and e-evidence, otherwise one wrong move or improper handling of evidence could dismiss a huge lead or case. The good news is that with new technology also comes with it advanced detection methods and individuals who possess the skills and education to develop ways and programs to deter and prevent identity theft from happening at all. An investigator’s role is always to remain ahead of the game no matter what type of case they are
Identity theft is a significant problem to both citizens and financial institutions. The FTC estimates that over 27.3 million Americans have been the victims of identity theft in the past five years. The
In the book, The Sun also Rises, by Ernest Hemingway, Jakes penial wound influences him to be hesitant towards being confident , due to that he is apprehensive about his masculinity. During World War 1, Jake experiences an injury in his penis, that he now lives with forever, affecting the sexual relationships he has and the assurance he has within himself. Many men, especially Jake, consider their penis to be a huge factor in defining how strong, skilled and fearless they are, all words that describe being masculine. However, now that Jake does not have a functioning penis, he does not just look at it as a scar, but also envy’s those who do have one. One night that Jake is invited to go dancing in a club by his friends, he sees a group of homosexuals dancing and despises them because of their lively character and how they all had functioning penis and he didn't “ I know they are supposed to be amusing, and you should be tolerant, but I wanted to swing on one,
Identity theft is an issue faced on a daily basis for those that are living in our wonderful state of California. For some it is common knowledge to protect your identity but for those that are not familiar with the practices of these common crooks, will cost a lifetime of savings and irreparable damage to ones credit and finances. According to the California Office of Privacy Protection, “there were more than 11 million victims of Identity Theft in the
In 2014, there were an estimated 2.3 million cases, a twenty-two percent increase from the previous year (Andrews, 2016). According to the Federal Trade Commission, identity theft complaints have also increased by more than 47 percent since 2014 and it was the second most reported crime after illegal debt collection. (“FTC Releases Annual Summary of Consumer Complaints Debt Collection, Identity Theft, and Imposter Scams Remain Top Categories of Complaints Received by FTC in 2015”, 2016) “The 2017 Identity Fraud Study, released by Javelin Strategy & Research, found that $16 billion was stolen from 15.4 million U.S. consumers in 2016, compared with $15.3 billion and 13.1 million victims in 2015. In the past six years identity thieves have stolen over $107 billion.” (“Identity Theft and Cybercrime”,
Canute’s father was Sweyn Forkbeard, king of Denmark and Canute was the grandson of Polish ruler Mieszko. Canute the Great reigned over what was referred to as the North Sea Empire, which consisted of Denmark, England and Norway, from 1016 to 1035. Canute had to establish claim to the throne through an English successor once his brother Herald passed away without heirs. Canute was the second son after Herald, before Canute became the Anglo-Scandinavian king he was governing England when Saxon king Edmund died and created a growing empire, which led to the awareness of Canute as England’s king to all of England’s
A. Summary: Now that you are armed with more knowledge of how to protect yourself, and take action, you can make identity thieves’ jobs more difficult.
This class is the second in a series of career development sessions during our professional development-1 course. The class started with a small exercise, in which we have to write about what we are going to do if we won a jackpot and we do not have to worry more about money. Following that we started to describe to us about the occupation themes, the personal style scale. In addition, Ms. provided us with our reports regarding the survey which we have completed in the beginning of the semester. Finally, we start discuss if the results from the report do fit our personality and career expectations in the future. Following this I am going to talk about what I learned about myself and about
Have you ever received a credit card bill at the end of the month with a ridiculous amount of money needed to be paid that you never spent? This is because of identity theft. The FTC estimates that each year, over 9 million people are affected by identity theft. According to Sally Driscoll, this is because almost anyone with a computer and a slight bit of computer knowledge can pull off identity theft. Experts also claim that identity theft is the fastest-growing crime in the world. Identity theft is a global problem that cannot be stopped without effective measures. The problem is, effective measures are very hard to come by when dealing with identity theft because almost any security protocol can be by-passed.
Identity theft continues to be a problem in the United States, yet research on identity thieves is limited. Both the theoretical and empirical literature on identity theft is in their infancy. As a result, not surprisingly, not much is known about this crime and its victims.
The less sophisticated thieves have perfected the art of “dumpster-driving” rummaging through trash. Abusing employer’s authorized access to credit reports or some even playing ‘landlord’ has given them unauthorized access to victim’s reports. Some victims have been scammed fro information by an identity thief posing as a legitimate businessperson or government official. In the most recent news from Concord, NC (Aug. 19, 2004), the police have uncovered a more sophisticated case of ID theft. The newspapers stated, “Authorities think a portable credit card reader, or skimmer, was used to read personal information off a credit card’s magnetic strip. Then those details were applied to the strip on the back of a different cared.”
Just a few weeks ago we attended two town hall meetings in which our state representative, Pete Lucido discussed identity theft, and they were both vary informative in their own sense. I have split the next portion in to the 4 major talking points.
Identity theft is on the rise in the United States and Globally. The Federal Trade Commission advised that there are about nine million cases of identity theft. People who had their identity stolen often feel like they were violated. Any individual can have their identity compromised in numerous ways. Different institutions store personal information. There are several organizations that have social security numbers, bank account numbers, and credit card numbers. Colleges and Universities have people personal information stored in their databases that could be hacked. There are several companies that offer options to people to protect their identity. Most credit card companies offer the option of identity
The government is actively involved in decreasing the amount of identity theft by providing the most effective tools to investigate and prosecute identity thieves. One of these tools is the Identity
The United States Department of Justice defines Identity Theft and Fraud as, “… terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain” (U.S. Department of Justice, 2012). An individual’s personal data such as: Social Security number, bank account information, credit card numbers, or telephone calling card number¬ may be used by criminals to personally profit at your expense. In many cases, a victim's loss not only includes out-of-pocket financial losses, but substantial additional financial costs and time repairing and correcting credit histories and erroneous information. To assist with my research for this paper, I chose two books written from different perspectives. First, I sought out a book to provide a comprehensive review of identity theft history; methods used to steal identities, consequences of having your identity stolen, and prevention techniques from an individual or business perspective. Next, after developing a strong baseline on identity theft, I searched for a reference book which offers a comprehensive review of the concepts of computer crimes, relevant laws, and methods practiced by investigators to trace, capture and persecute identity theft
“Identity theft: the fraudulent practice of using another person's name and personal information to obtain credit, loans, etc.” In 2014, there were around 95,000 reports of identity theft in the UK alone. However, that enormous figure rose even further in 2015 to a spine-chilling 148,000 - causing identity theft to rise by 58% in one year alone. Someone new becomes a target every day. Every day, someone loses their individuality. Every day, someone gains an online twin. These so-called