
Identity Theft Prevention

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The following report is intended to discuss and address the effectiveness of recent and current approaches to the concerns of identity theft in the greater Southern California area. As a senior officer of the ECSU (Electronic Crime Scene Unit) in San Bernardino County, CA, it is my goal to assess and evaluate areas of concern in an effort to correct and improve identity theft detection and prevention programs locally and abroad. Our national security begins at home; in our communities, our schools, and our business. In recent years, our government has taken great measures to protect our nation’s security against identity thieves here in our country as well as our national security against foreign attackers. Not only do we face challenges …show more content…

These sites are designed to educate the public and have other resources available where people can call a hotline number, write to the agency, or email a request or question if they feel they have been the victim of identity theft, or if they just simply want more information. The government cannot realistically monitor each and every person’s banking activity at once; therefore these sites are the greatest tool in identity theft detection and prevention, allowing us all to be able to take the necessary precautions to keep ourselves alert and safe from these crimes. …show more content…

Officers now cannot just send and receive emails; they must have enough knowledge about how to read signs of fraud or other cybercrimes. Officers must understand what types of viruses are out there and what they do to computers to obtain sensitive information on an individual level and especially on a large scale level, for example, cases involving credit card companies or major corporations’ financial records. Officers must know the proper procedures on how to collect e-evidence as well as preserve computer units if needed to be investigated during a case. Last but not least, officers must understand the intricacies of the laws of search and seizure that pertain to computer and e-evidence, otherwise one wrong move or improper handling of evidence could dismiss a huge lead or case. The good news is that with new technology also comes with it advanced detection methods and individuals who possess the skills and education to develop ways and programs to deter and prevent identity theft from happening at all. An investigator’s role is always to remain ahead of the game no matter what type of case they are

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