This creature has been discovered by a seventh grade student while paying a visit to The Grand Canyon in Arizona. This creature is strangely fascinating, amazing everyone that lays their eyes on it. This exquisite combination between a cat and a penguin can survive in the scorching hot weather, unlike habitual penguins that require to be in the cold. This creature in extremely rare, and we only have knowledge of only one living in the whole world right now. This idiosyncratic creature is not accessible to view currently, as further research is being done on this unusual being.
an actual Chupacabra found in Texas. This animal seems to be related to a coyote. No evidence
What’s a bat and star combined that lives underwater? The answer is bat star! Bat star, or ‘asterina miniata’ (scientific name) is a marvelous invertebrate. Its scientific name was way too complicated to comprehend, but bat star had another name called ‘patiria miniata’, which meant vermilion dish (scarlet dish). In this animal report, I will be presenting animal anatomy and appearance (bat star’s physical characteristics), classification (what kind of invertebrate bat star is, how I know it, etc.), habitat (where bat star lives) and diet (what bat star eats and other information about bat star’s food).
There are over a million species of animals in this world, and chances are you have not heard about a majority of them. In fact, even scientists claim that they have not been able to discover all of the animal species on this planet so far. They discover new ones every year! Some animals are cute and cuddly, while others are downright weird. In this article, we will list top seven weird animals that you probably never heard about.
The fossa or cryptoprocta ferox (scientific name) is a cat like animal that lives in the forests on the Madagascar island. They are a very strange looking animal. Imagine a cat that is also part dog and mongoose. With that kind of mix it is no surprise the fossa is one of the most dangerous predators you will find in Madagascar.
At the same time, seeing some of the strangest animals was one of the best sights. We saw something called a Mountain Lion in the Great Plains and in the Milk and Musselshell Rivers. Sadly, one was shot, but yet it still lived and escaped. In return for being shot, another one stole three of our deer skins from camp. Good thing it didn’t get anything or anyone else.
that God put on this earth. One of my favorite characteristics about this animal is there
The Black Cat, a short horror story by Edgar Allen Poe, told in a first-person perspective, follows the narrator through his mental decline triggered by alcoholism. It narrates about how his degraded rational state causes him to torture animals and kill his wife. Insanity, as demonstrated by the narrator of The Black Cat, does not always manifest itself as permanent characteristics that consistently show. Sometimes it shows as periods of irrationality and irritability, an inability to distinguish right from wrong, or as mad fits of uncontrollable rage. Alcohol can prompt these outbursts of rage. Because of the events and contemplations of the narrator, we as readers can conclude that he is definitely not sane during these outbursts. The narrator is insane because he can’t have power over his own actions and is therefore not guilty of killing his wife.
Surly is an egotistical squirrel. He was hated by the squirrel colony at Liberty Park. The colony thought that he was a thief or a traitor, but actually he wasn’t. He was vilified by Raccoon, the leader of colony. He also expelled from the park because he accidentally exploded nut supply for the winter. So, he had to find his own food.
This is how it looks it was found in 1979, they can swim in the water and with remarkable speed but they can not be seen with a naked eye. They fix nitrogen cell which most cells do not do.
Platypus is a native Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia. Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal has a bill like duckbill. Platypus has a flat tail and webbed feet. Its body length is 30 to 45 cm and covered with a thick and woolly layer of fur. Its bill is detecting prey and stirring up mud. Platypus’ eyes and head are small. It has no ears but has ability to sense sound and light. Platypus lives in streams, rivers, and lakes.
Second, it has huge body. It is 14 feet tall. And it looks like a giant sloth that can’t hold on to the tree. It is the biggest mammal that existed. And it had a lot of predator as a Smilodon
My animal s the greenland shark. This animal likes to be in a cold climate. They are smaller but they can do as much damage as a real live shark. They eat a lot of fish that live in the sea.
The short story called “Lusus Naturae” or better known in its translated title as is known as Freak of Nature, is a work of fiction with the main character is commonly referred to or treated like a monster. The main character plays the role of the protagonist trying to be a good daughter even though she is disformed and awful looking. The main character shows us that the standard for women for society and if you did not fit into the norm like her sister, did you were classified as ugly or as a monster. The character dynamics of this story is interesting, the deeper meaning behind the girl as a monster in this story, does the author Margaret Atwood simply creates a fantasy with the idea to serve only as a horror story with an ending that we
They make there nests with seaweed and rocks. They were hunted for oil in 1870 to 1919 . they breed in areas with vegetation. And their biological name is Eudyptes schlegeli. They are very similar to the king penguin by looks and they nest in scrapes and 2 to 3 days they get to eat.
There once was a feline with beautiful, shiny fur and cute round ears that lived in the far mountains of the West. Everyday, the feline would go down to the waterfall by her den and clean and fluff her fur. She was one of the most beautiful creatures in the land and would always be the center of attention wherever she went.