
If Food Was Grown in a Greenhouse and Space

Decent Essays

John Glenn, the first American to eat in space, ate applesauce from a container that looked like toothpaste. We have come a long way from toothpaste applesauce and we need to think of better ways to have food with us when people go out to space. There is always a risk of being stuck in space and having no food. There must be a better way! We need to act now because people can get stuck in space. Just look at what happened to Alexei Leonov, even though he was Russian he almost got stuck in space. If that happened it takes a while for someone to build a rocket and get into space to save them. Think about it, if loss of air does not kill you, dehydration and starvation will. We need to act now people and find out how to get food and water into space for a settlement or at least for a long period of time during a space trip.
NASA’s idea of growing food in space farms is a brilliant idea. Which led me to think up this wonderful idea. We need to start a farm inside a greenhouse. Once the plants start growing they will produce oxygen we need to survive and they will also produce fruits and vegetables we can eat. Then the basic things we need will be covered with the exception of water.
Our water problem will be solved by reusing all the water we can. It is impossible for us to shuttle water from earth every time we need it so it would be best if we had enough water to last a week then have some way to purify the water that is not used and can be recycled. That is where the

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