This has been a ongoing problem in America for quite sometime now, It’s a problem that is being widely addressed by people like our very own president of the United States. It’s been an outrage to many people in our country. If you haven't guessed by now, the problem im referring to is illegal immigration and undocumented people coming into our country trying to become citizens. The reason that is a bad idea is because first off we don't know anything about these people sense they have no information about themself. Second because they can cause serious damage to our country. And lastly because they potentially ruin the us economy. I personally chose to argue with the side of not allowing undocumented people in our country because I personally …show more content…
We are having undocumented people that we know nothing about come into our country and we have no idea who they are or what they have or haven't done or if they have any criminal charges because we don't have any documentation on them. Today in our society there are about 11 million which is about 3.5 of the world's population and according to Department of Homeland Security” it's been estimated that about 820,000 illegal immigrants qualify as removable criminals”. Numbers in this scenario show that tons of illegal immigrants are criminals and sense were don't have any information on them we wouldn't know. Also If the immigrants are labeled as “removable criminals” and there are places we can take them why don't we us ask, I ask the same question because research done by immigrant services says “ we have plenty of places to move the immigrants, we just need the permission to start going ahead and doing so”. So there are places for them to go we just need to begin the process of removing …show more content…
This also lowers the wages being paid out for your hard worked hours, and with lower wages and not as many job opportunities that increase the amount of poverty in the united states. With the amount of poverty increasing due to the increase in population from illegal immigrants that also drains welfare. And considering that 58% of illegal immigrants rely on some kind of welfare not only are they causing others to be in poverty most of them move here already in poverty relying on some kind of welfare, so they clearly aren't good for our economy. Also money funded for welfare is from a percentage of your taxes, which most illegal immigrants do not pay. In fact they owe a total of $113 million of taxes money just to the federal level so they aren't paying their taxes. And lastly it may be there right to immigrate yes it's there right but there're way to do it that aren't illegal, such as a green card. But that's the whole problem they are doing it illegally, if they were doing it legally there would be no
More than 11 million undocumented illegal immigrants fill the US. Over the past hundreds years immigrants have been coming into the United States,this process has continued. And some may disagree and believe in that immigrants should not have a path to citizenship. It is immigrants should have a path to citizenship. Undocumented immigrants should get a path to citizenship
Immigration has been a burning issue lately, particularly after Donald Trump’s immigration ban in the United States of America. It has been a topic that families discuss every morning with breakfast. Despite many concerns related to immigration, it has several positive benefits that mostly outweighs the negativity. People bizarrely argue when it comes to immigration, but these arguments are primarily based on facts and ideas that are outdated or inconsistent and blindfold the positive aspect related to immigration. Many immigrants in the United States are good workers who don't depend upon any public welfare and mostly help in the overall development of the economy. As a country made by immigrants, we must not forget the fact that immigrants have helped to build cities and create a path of development form Google to iPhones (Gray & Furman, 2012). These facts are secluded, and some related arguments with different content have been repeated for years and continue. Immigrants have a lot to give the United States rather than to take, especially when it comes to economic terms.
Undocumented immigrants have created lives here and become part of communities, and it is not right to take that away from them. Not only is it not inhumane, but also it would hurt the economy as well since granting citizenship to undocumented workers causing the economy to grow, not stunt its growth. Even though many believe that undocumented immigrants becoming citizens will harm citizen’s jobs, this is also proven to be false because immigrants create jobs and fill the gaps of the jobs not done by natural born citizens. Undocumented immigrants also are proven to not commit as many crimes as the American counterpart, unlike many opponents’ views. By legalizing and allowing the citizenship of over 11 million people, our country can grow, not only financially in our economy, but grow as a
A liberal mayor tipped off illegal immigrants 24 hours before federal immigration officers and Border Patrol agents carried out a large raid in California.
Immigration (Merriam-Webster), “The movement of non-native people into a country in order to settle there”. Or in other words, when a group of individuals make a permanent move from their home country to another is an issue facing society today. Throughout history, immigration has always been a prevailing concern for societies amongst most nations. Due to this, many have given their own input and interpretation in regards to this matter. Two individuals such as Dr. Richard Rodriguez and Professor of Earth and Environmental sciences, Dr. Mark Pires have both given similar compelling arguments about immigration. Given though specifically their texts address different
For years immigration has been the hot topic and the one topic that cannot be draw down to a conclusion. The United States government thinks that by deporting immigrants all problems will be solved. In Reality nothing can be resolved by deporting, instead is creating even more issues to the country. What needs to be realize is that deportation is just separating families, children are left without a parents or without any of their parents. Children from immigrants are sent to foster care and that is nothing that child that has parents has to go through, just for the simple reason of having undocumented parents. It is estimated that eleven million immigrants have children who are U.S. citizens, this children’s have lived their entire lives in the U.S., have attended public schools, have advanced to college and some even have jobs that support the U.S. economy (Ceceña). Some may think “well why they don’t just go with their parents?” That may sounds like a good idea, but why not think about the challenges and situations that this children will have to go through after creating a lifestyle in the U.S. Now it
Undocumented families and individuals are a key to America’s working economy. President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election was well known for his thoughts about illegal immigration where he believes those who are not in America legally, should go back to where they came from. Illegal immigration has been happening for over generations where undocumented immigrants want a better life than they had in their previous country. Without illegal immigrants, our nation wouldn't be where it is without them, therefore, it is essential that they should not be deported back to their country.
There are millions of illegal immigrants in the United States, as Markon (2016) argues that illegal from South and Central America, Europe, and Mexico form the entire illegal immigrants between 10 million to 12 million in the United States. One of these illegal is my father, who came in 1996, he came to the U.S.A to work and searched the possibility to pay the many debts that he got in my country; in addition, my country had a big problem where there weren’t jobs and many banks had broken because the change from Sucre to the dollar. At that time, my father thought the only solution was coming here to get money and pay. Likewise, as my father, there are other undocumented immigrants that came from the same situation or by other reasons to this country. Present day, the actual president of the U.S is Donald Trump, who has been wanted that entirely illegal immigrants are deported to their own country since he made some line of attack against the illegal trough his campaign. Precisely Abdullah and Jaffe (2017) explain that the president Trump signed many executive orders in his first days of being president, one of these
The United States of America, a country created by immigrants, is currently facing what some consider to be an immigration crisis. As of 2012, there is over eleven million undocumented illegal aliens living inside the United States. Both the American public and the lawmakers elected to represent us are divided on the issue. Some people view the influx of immigrants crossing over the border from Mexico to America as a good thing while others view it as a disaster waiting to happen. Regardless of ones view on immigrants coming over, most people are in agreement with the idea that we must change the way we are currently dealing with illegal aliens.
I feel that immigration is one of the biggest issues that face the world in whole. Immigration is an important topic that needs a lot of attention and something that needs to be influenced to seize. It brings so much conflict between governments and individuals, causing disputes amongst them. I often here so much about immigration on the news nowadays. I feel that immigration isn’t a bad thing but when it begins to be illegal is when I feel it becomes the problem. I hear of people coming into America for different reasons such as financial benefits and employment. I think the biggest issue about it is getting those illegal immigrants back across the border. I strongly feel that the illegal immigrants that go to another country to do bad things such
Even though the reform should be passed there are also some things that immigrants should do to show that they are willing to do whatever it takes to be accepted in this country. The main thing they should work on is to learn the primary language of the U.S, which is English. Immigrants need to prove once again of what they are capable of. Even if immigrants are in a really good percentage of speaking English they still have to work harder. According to Julia Beckhusen one of the journalists in charge to collect information for the U.S Census Bureau,“The majority of the Mexican immigrants (close to two-thirds) do not speak English well.” This seems to be a big problem among the immigrants. Why is it good to learn the language? “English-speaking
Leonardo Da Vinci is famous as a painter, sculptor and inventor. In reality he was so much more, with the range of topics in his arsenal of knowledge being anatomy, zoology, botany, geology, optics, aerodynamics and hydrodynamics to name a few. He did play a large role in the development of knowledge about anatomy and the human body. He was one of the greatest anatomists of his time, although unrecognized for it during his lifetime.
The Article Immigration Policy: Should the U.S. government take stricter measures to limit illegal immigration (February 9, 2017), focuses on whether the U.S. should adopt stricter measures for illegal immigration. Supporters believe that illegal immigrants pose a threat to national security. Undocumented immigrants are not in the system, so their criminal records are inaccessible. Additionally, supporters believe that immigrants take the jobs of Americans. Companies tend to give immigrants jobs because they will work for cheap wages. However, the opponents of the law believe stricter measures for illegal immigrants shouldn’t be done because most of the country's technological breakthroughs are due to immigrants. Opponents believe that immigrants help the economy because they take the jobs that not many workers take, such as farming or physical work. Immigration policy argument will continue until there is common ground established between everyone whether to there should be stricter measures or another way for them to become documented.
In today’s society, one takes their childhood journey towards where they stand today. Amazing Grace demonstrates this to examine a child’s perspective living in the neighborhoods of New York City that exist around them. Although, these families try to support their children, some families are in distress, since they have a low income status. However, they still can attain the important life skills, which will enhance and benefit them as they later develop. As a result, these apparent life skills may lead them in the right direction, despite how these difficult circumstances that truly affect them. Thus Kozol creates the overall image of children as innocent. Amazing Grace explores the innocence of children who are born in a society of
Let me start from the beginning I was born October 22, 1998, and lived an average life that was full of ups and downs well more downs than ups. I lived in Massachusetts till 2000 moved to Sanford then in 2003 I moved to my current house in West Newfield and have been living there for almost 15 years. I started school late since My twin and I missed the cut-off date and waited until the next school year to attend. I went to Line Elementary School until 6th grade then I went to Massabesic Middle School and Finally Massabesic High School. Now It’s almost 4 months since graduating high school and in my first year of University. Throughout that little summary of my life since birth nothing really stands out about me being an outsider or even feeling like one but I can tell you that throughout my I felt like an outsider at times and felt 100% accepted at times. My life is average like most other people. Found my group of friends and went on an adventure with them that helped me find out who I think I am and who I want to become. Went through hard times of losing family members, friends and pets and found love with people I thought I would never love. Life taught me that you will be an outsider on many of occasions and that you will accept and loved on many other occasions. No matter what life throws at you just be ready to catch it and throw the ball right back and say not today. Being or feeling like an outsider can be really hard and stressful on you. You could start trying to