
Illegal Immigration Arguments

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This has been a ongoing problem in America for quite sometime now, It’s a problem that is being widely addressed by people like our very own president of the United States. It’s been an outrage to many people in our country. If you haven't guessed by now, the problem im referring to is illegal immigration and undocumented people coming into our country trying to become citizens. The reason that is a bad idea is because first off we don't know anything about these people sense they have no information about themself. Second because they can cause serious damage to our country. And lastly because they potentially ruin the us economy. I personally chose to argue with the side of not allowing undocumented people in our country because I personally …show more content…

We are having undocumented people that we know nothing about come into our country and we have no idea who they are or what they have or haven't done or if they have any criminal charges because we don't have any documentation on them. Today in our society there are about 11 million which is about 3.5 of the world's population and according to Department of Homeland Security” it's been estimated that about 820,000 illegal immigrants qualify as removable criminals”. Numbers in this scenario show that tons of illegal immigrants are criminals and sense were don't have any information on them we wouldn't know. Also If the immigrants are labeled as “removable criminals” and there are places we can take them why don't we us ask, I ask the same question because research done by immigrant services says “ we have plenty of places to move the immigrants, we just need the permission to start going ahead and doing so”. So there are places for them to go we just need to begin the process of removing …show more content…

This also lowers the wages being paid out for your hard worked hours, and with lower wages and not as many job opportunities that increase the amount of poverty in the united states. With the amount of poverty increasing due to the increase in population from illegal immigrants that also drains welfare. And considering that 58% of illegal immigrants rely on some kind of welfare not only are they causing others to be in poverty most of them move here already in poverty relying on some kind of welfare, so they clearly aren't good for our economy. Also money funded for welfare is from a percentage of your taxes, which most illegal immigrants do not pay. In fact they owe a total of $113 million of taxes money just to the federal level so they aren't paying their taxes. And lastly it may be there right to immigrate yes it's there right but there're way to do it that aren't illegal, such as a green card. But that's the whole problem they are doing it illegally, if they were doing it legally there would be no

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