September 27, 2017
U.S. Congressman Louie Gohmert
2243 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman Gohmert:
I myself am a Texas native and although I don't reside in a border town, I feel illegal immigration an border security is something that's plaguing both my beloved Texas, as well as our great nation. I am a United States born hispanic American; my parents are U.S. born citizens as are my grand parents and many generations before. So it is with careful calculation that I have viewed this pressing issue and compiled my stance on what I feel would be most beneficial to all parties concerned.
I have to agree with your stance on securing our border first. This is something that has to be done and must be our initial step in this process, because beginning with anything
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In my opinion, one of the most beneficial ways to do this is increasing our border patrol agents and outfitting them with the most up to date equiptment in order to make their job easier and as safe as possible. I do understand that this would take an increase in funding, and that is something that has to be addressed seperately. My view on funding is that if we eliminate the need for housing captured illegal immigrants then we would have the necessary funds available, but that will be something that comes further into the process. Once the initial steps have been taken it will be important to address the legal ramifications in place for migrants that are caught crossing illegally into our country. In order to conceive a policy that would make the statement that is necessary our nation as well as the individual border states would have to work with Mexico to create a plan of action to return captured illegals in a more timely manner. In addition to the immediate action, I feel that we need a better records and linked communication of records system to keep track of the individuals who have been
Illegal Immigrants I. Introduction AGD: Is it really a great idea to ban every illegal immigrants in the United States? Imagine living in the country with corrupted governments and harsh environments. Does anyone really want to live in that type of country? I don’t think so.
After researching and reading a lot on this topic I decided that Texas is a leader because three other states have adopted the exact requirements as Texas. I believe the fact that young men and women are getting a higher education, joining the military, and joining the workforces to better themselves and the economy justifies the fact that smugglers are promising families that their children will not be deported. Increasing the strength of our borders can help aid or even solve this negative
American has had a steady problem with how to resolve the illegal immigration problem. This is a great threat to the United States because it can significantly increase crime. There is much that can be done to prevent this current crisis, spinning completely out of control. Although the security needs are vast and call for reform on many levels, first and foremost, the borders need to be secure. Until this happens, the American people are at risk. It is my view, whatever the cost or whatever the measures needed, Congress needs to first allocate the money for the protection of the border to stop violent gangs, such as the notorious gang MS-13 from coming to America and committing horrendous crimes.
In order to ensure our country 's safety, I believe that the borders of America should be closed and secured. If America 's leaders vote to keep our borders open and free to all, the Immigration Crisis will evolve into an even bigger problem. It is my understanding that America is already trillions of dollars in debt, not including all the funds it would take to care for thousands of immigrants. While the numbers are clearly not as bad as most other countries, we too have our own citizens living in poverty everyday. I firmly believe that until we are capable of providing restoration and a better quality of life to our own people, we have no business or resources to do so for other countries.
Some argue that immigrants will take our jobs after the allowance of legalization and attendance of postsecondary education. It is a true fact that those who become legal in the labor market will demand better treatment, respect, increased wages, and employee benefits. Those, who already have a degree, and clean houses for living due to their status, will apply for jobs equal to their education. Although the fact that they will take our job is true to some degree, it is a rhetoric marketed exaggerator, installed to create fear, and lead to an opposition to immigration reform. The legalization will affect most companies that benefit from a mistreatment of undocumented immigrants and will affect businesses that profit from underpaying their hired laborers, documented or undocumented. According to Aviva Chomsky, “Governments have made sure that there are people without rights to fulfill business’s need for cheap workers and high profits” (126). Businesses tend to oppose restriction on immigration today because inequality maintains a population of poor people who lack access to resources, and who may have little alternative but to accept jobs under the worst of conditions (15). “The answer to the low-wage problem is not to restrict the rights of people at the bottom even more (through deportations, criminalization, etc.) but to challenge the accord between business and government that promote the low-wage, high-profit model” (27). Immigrants have always flooded America, to work as a cheap labor, work under strenuous conditions, send remittance to their home countries, and return home. The fact that people believed immigrants come to steal the American wealth is altered by the globalization of the economy, and it hurts to have a vulnerable nation labor force to compete with other countries. According to Chomsky, “As of 2005, Social Security was receiving about $7 billion a year through false social security numbers provided by illegal immigrant workers” (38). This fact is based on a low-income/low immigrant wage. Therefore, allowing immigrants to access higher education and better-paid jobs will result in higher income taxes, higher real estate and consumer’s taxes, community involvement and volunteering. If the
Immigration reform has been a big debate since 1790. The Naturalization Act of 1790 was the first act to established rules for naturalized citizenship. The citizenship was only granted to those who has live in America for at least two years and is a free white person of good character. Although some rules were set, the policy of immigration reform are full of comprehensiveness (Soergel). Some believe that immigration is a dreadful thing because they take up jobs and bring in terrorists; Other consider it a marvelous event because it builds up the nation and it let the world sees America as the land of the free. On July 4, 1776 America declare freedom from Great Britain. Just like American, countless of immigrant came seeking for freedom.
The immigration reform, an important issue for the U.S. government has accelerated significantly in the past few years. It has been debated between the democratic and republican senators to reform a framework for the immigration. President Obama gave a speech to push for an immigration reform in favor of undocumented 11 million immigrants in the USA, as well as a road map for their legal citizenship. It has also been suggested that a sub citizenship could be an option instead of providing full citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants.
After 1965, when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed and passed the Immigration and Naturalization Act, immigration reform became a major debate ( Though is a hot-button issue with passionate arguments for both sides, it is clear that immigration reform is necessary for the nation's future success. The current immigration laws are useless due to the length of the current naturalization process. This process is quite frustrating for immigrants due to the time and cost incurred, along with the language barriers associated with completing the documentation. For the United States of America to sustain its moniker of an American Dream, it is of the utmost importance that we charge the federal government with revising and improving immigration reform.
The evening news is ripe with controversial legislation, policy and debate from the lawmakers of the United States. Some of the most interesting headlines in recent history discuss the huge battles on labor laws in Wisconsin and Iowa, the anticipation of a Republican front runner for the upcoming Presidential elections, and discussion of our nation’s ability to understand and predict future happenings in Libya, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Any of these topics could spark a heated conversation in any coffee house or roadside diner in this country but perhaps there is no issue which stays on the forefront, which riles testy tempers, and which needs to be discussed so much as this country’s policies on
However, there are some immigrants that migrate to the U.S. that are disruptive and dangerous. So, I believe the most effective way to address the issue of immigration would be that of which would not cause any riot or separation within the people of the United States or any disruption with any of the other countries. One solution which would be very critical, would be enforcing immigration laws humanely. Another solution that would be helpful would be that a guest-worker friendly program be created and enforced. Along with the program, I believe that the U.S. should enhance border security, but not to the extent of building a wall along the border.
I am very familiar with the ethics of border security, having grown up in El Paso, Texas. The city sits right next to Juarez, Mexico with a population of over 2 million. As stated in the article, “Border Fence”, El Paso, San Diego, and McAllen are the epicenter for cartel violence, hub for drug trafficking, and illegal immigration. There is a border fence that stretches over 30 miles in and around the El Paso area, with a border patrol agent stationed every 300 yards over the same span. With a population of close to 800,000 with over 80% of that being Hispanic, it is a very controversial subject along the border region. ( Article)
It is clear why the breach of security on the southern border is of concern to both governments as well as to citizens of US and Mexico. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is working to secure the border by ensuring that an effective combination of staffing, technology, and infrastructure is utilized to protect the more than 8,000 miles of land and maritime areas along both the northern and southern borders, however the current system in place needs urgent changes in order to secure the borders and move forward to target all illicit activities that take place on the border. The next step will be redirect the attention and work on the effects that it brings to citizens of the countries involved. It is easy to think only on the effects that it brings to United States but also for Mexico it has a negative impact. It is often assumed that illegal immigrants are all Mexican citizens crossing the border however this statement is not a fact. Mexico is being used as a bridge by illegal immigration immigrating to United States from neighbor countries such as Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Peru. The federal government, the DHS and agencies involved in securing our borders need to create a comprehensive plan to guarantee the DHS gains
The United States border with Mexico is a controversial topic that has been the subject of debate recently. It is without question a problem that needs to be fixed. Currently most policies are focused on the manpower, infrastructure, and security of the border itself. However the border security is changed there will always be a demand for illegal immigrants and drug smugglers to cross the border into America. That why we should try to disrupt that demand by legalizing marijuana in the United States, put more resources into fighting cartels, and invest into the Mexican economy. These are the first steps to regaining border security to both countries.
As a country, the United States need to generate methods on how to prevent illegals from crossing the border and reduce the numbers of
An ABC News Poll indicates that most respondents (67%) believe the United States is not doing enough to keep illegal immigrants from coming into the country. That means that the U.S should increase security at its borders as it is evident that the border fence is not enough. Also, the immigration services need to be improved and made more accessible to foreign nationals so that some of them don’t have to illegally enter the