
Illegal Immigration in Arizona Essay

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How much longer will Arizona have to suffer from illegal immigration? Peter Katel wrote that “While illegal immigrants only make up about 5 percent of the U.S. work force, critics of the nation's immigration policies say illegal immigrants take Americans' jobs, threaten national security and even change the nation's culture by refusing to assimilate” (Katel par. 1). We will look at how Arizona is dealing with illegal immigration. Even though illegal immigration is not a major issue in most states, Arizona is dealing with more crime, overcrowding, and additional cost. One important example of why illegal immigration is an issue in Arizona is the increased crime rate. Arizona’s crime rate has increased with all the troubles that come …show more content…

“The number of illegal immigrants in the country has topped 12 million, making immigration once again a central topic of debate. Moreover, with undocumented workers spreading far beyond traditional "gatekeeper" states such as California and Texas, complaints about illegal immigrants have become a daily staple of talk radio. Enacting tougher enforcement policies has become a dominant theme in the 2008 presidential campaign, particularly on the Republican side. Just in the past year, states and localities have passed hundreds of bills to crack down on employers and illegal immigrants seeking public benefits. But Congress has been unable to act, despite a bipartisan deal brokered last year by the Bush administration. A new administration and the next Congress will likely face what has proved so far an impossible task — curbing the number of immigrants without causing labor shortages in key economic sectors such as agriculture and hospitality” (Greenblatt par. 1). Most importantly the cost associated with Arizona dealing with illegal immigration is outrageous. This is the one that cuts to the bone for most Arizona citizens. We have programs that help illegal immigrants with housing, food, education, and health care. We have illegal immigrants working under the table for cash and not paying any state or federal taxes to help pay for the programs they take advantage of. There are programs that help illegal

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