
Illegal Online Music Downloading, The Effects And Consequences On The Music Industry

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The internet is one of the greatest significant important inventions of this century. It has become the biggest data foundation to receive all kinds of information, particularly educational knowledge and skills. Downloads are needed in order to receive data from computer networks which are remote system, typically a server. Copyrighted content needs to have appropriate permission to download it and without this permission it could constitute copyright infringement. According to Towers (2009), the internet or on-line piracy generally refers sharing over the internet copies of works that are not authorised or illegal downloading of software, movies, videogames and music. Illicit downloads started through hacked computers, file-sharing networks, illegal servers and website (Plowman, 2009). Hard goods pirates are selling illegal duplicated DVDs through online websites. Copyrighted works are through Internet chat rooms, newsgroups and peer-to-peer file trading networks. All of these kinds of internet copyright infringement are a crime that should be punished by law. This essay will discuss illegal online music downloading, the effects and consequences on the music industry and artists, after that it will introduce two solutions including the law in relation to this issue. Finally, an evaluation of these solutions.
Illegal music downloads caused a massive fall in the sales and income of the labels and artists, which has been driving them to bankruptcy quicker. According to the

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