
Ilp Review Report

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CM was out on vacation from the period of 5/31/2017 to 6/14/2017. On 6/20/2017, CM met with the client to complete Bi-Weekly ILP Review. In the meeting client was satisfactorily groomed and dressed appropriately for the weather. Client affects and mood was inappropriate. Client continues to denied suicidal or homicidal ideation. Client reported she wasn’t feeling well and she was given “Bed Pass”. CM observed that the client sometime can appears to be manipulative and she will always find excuses for her behavior.

In the meeting client complain about resident D. James /K-4 immaturity and how that resident will complain about everything client do. CM advises the client not to confront resident K-4 and to report whatever confrontation to staff.

Client continues to report her biological mother …show more content…

Client indicated that she suffers from asthma NOS with Acute Exacerbation, allergies rhinitis, insomnia, unspecified. Client reported no changes in her medications and she is seen by Dr. Muhammad M. Haque/PCP.

Client reports depression and anxiety/panic attacks, and she is currently participating individual mental health session at NY Psychotherapy Mental Health located at 102 Pilling St, Brooklyn, New York 1x a week. (Tuesday @ 3pm). Client report no changes in her medications; and she also doesn't want for Staff to monitor her prescribed psychotropic medications:
Citalopram HBR 20mg (1x daily), Clonazipam 2mg (1x daily), albuterol (as needed), Ventolin (as needed), ondonsetronorally disintegrating tablet 8mg (as needed), ibuprofen 800mg ( as needed), Benadryl 25mg ( as needed) fluticasone propronate 50mg 1 daily.
Client is currently attending individual mental counseling at 102 Pilling Street, Brooklyn, New
York and Dr. Adam Antione/psychiatrist. Client meets with her therapist 1x a week (every Tuesday).

Client continues to reports no history of alcohol abuse but reports substance

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