
Im Here Theme

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Love has always been a challenging concept to understand: what is love, what does it feel like, when do you know you’re loved or in love? The list goes on and on, but two videos touch on the premise of love in very different manners. The two videos viewed both touch on the theme of love: “I’m here” by Spike Jonze and one about a cult in Australia who’s leader thinks he is Jesus reincarnated. When reading between the lines of “I’m here” you can see how genuinely kind the love was between the two protagonists. Sheldon, one day while waiting for the bus, became enamored with a female robot named Francesca who caught his eye. On their first date Francesca lost her arm, after Sheldon went to try and retrieve it only to find it smashed into pieces on the floor, he gave her one of his arms. In the same respect after taking a hard fall, Francesca lost part of her leg, and of course Sheldon felt the …show more content…

After seemingly brainwashing people into believing he is in fact “Jesus” Miller provided his followers with teachings which hit any human being’s vulnerabilities. However, when it came to the topic of love, his message to his followers was, “if your spouse [someone you love] doesn’t agree with [his] teachings they have to be cut off”. These teachings have broken up marriages, families, and destroyed people’s lives before their obscured eyes. Due to the teachings, Dugan McGuirk “lost [his] wife [Jennifer], [his] home, [his] family [and had his] life torn to pieces and [it was] tremendously devastating [because of Miller’s so called] ‘divine love’”. While many of his followers have lost just about everything because of following im he has gained so much. Not only does he have his followers as well as other donate to the cause, but he also receives sexual favors when he feels the urge. This is called manipulation, and is also one of the many negative aspects that may come along with

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