
Imagery And Symbolism In The Bean Trees By Willa Cather

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Willa Cather used common object to symbolize abstract but significant ideas. An example would be the windows mentioned throughout the story. You can look through a window and see what is on the other side. Paul looked through windows very often and saw what he could have but did not. The windows symbolize a wall that separates him from his desires. He watches the wealthy persons through the windows of the hotel and dreams of enjoying their riches himself. He can imagine himself as one of them, wearing luxurious clothes and eating the expensive foods that they do. But he always comes back to his reality, worn out, old and yellow. Sometimes life gives a person champagne and riches, but for Paul, he will have to work for his fortune and he knows it. The window seems to be standing in his way, blocking him from what he wishes for himself, a visible barrier between him and his fairytale dreams. He can see through, but he cannot pass. …show more content…

During Paul’s encounter with the principal and teachers of his school, he is described as wearing a red carnation in his buttonhole. This carnation symbolizes Paul himself and his defiance of authority. It shows that where he should feel remorse for his disobedience, he feels none. The bright red carnation gives a bit of excitement to Paul’s world of yellow. The color red is also a foreshadowing of his future tragedy since red is a color that is usually tied in with death. When Paul is enjoying his time in New York, the presence of the carnations during his stay symbolizes his feeling of liveliness and animation due to fact that he has achieved the finery he desired. As the story reaches the end, however, the flower begins to wilt and die. The death and Paul’s burial of the carnation symbolizes Paul giving up hope which leads to his suicide. The carnation symbolizes his living, and the dying of this carnation symbolizes his own

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