
Immigration Has Been A Pressing Issue In Society For Many

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Immigration has been a pressing issue in society for many decades and with the election of our new president, Donald Trump, the controversy has only been magnified. The act of immigration is leaving your home country and coming to live in a foreign country permanently. This can be a result of political unrest or war within an area causing a large number of people to immigrate to other countries with more opportunities. Also, it is a once in a lifetime chance for very poor families to go to a place where the basic necessities of life can be provided to them. Many common questions on illegal immigration are: What stance does the church have on immigration? Should immigration be allowed? How will immigration be affected with the election of …show more content…

To this day, more and more immigrants are coming to the United states in search of religious freedom, escape from war, fleeing from political unrest, and in search for a life that can provide basic needs for themselves and their children. Some of these immigrants are here legally and some are also here illegally. In 2003, the government estimated that 8-12 million illegal immigrants lived in the United States at that time and to this day there are 15.7-19.7 million illegal immigrants living here now. ( In 2014, it was determined that immigrants as a whole made up 13.3 percent of the United States population and there is a total of 42.4 immigrants altogether ( leads to a great deal of problems in our country that are beginning to be addressed in an extreme manner. There are many points of view on immigration in society. For the most part, the United States is divided on their views of the very controversial topic. Republicans, Independents, and democrats are the most notable groups that have different opinions on immigration. Democrats and Independents believe that immigrants are making the country better, whereas republicans say that they are making is significantly worse. Democrats and Independents mostly believe that immigrants can benefit

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