The question that has been plaguing us as Americans,especially in our current political climate, is, are immigrants villains or heroes? Every immigrant has a story. Immigrants have been around for centuries upon centuries, emigrating to new countries and even continents. Some came to flee religious persecution, war, or to have a better life for them and their children. Others, such as slaves, came by force, and some, such as Europeans, came by choice. In our current day and age immigrants are seen as a curse and a blessing wrapped up in one. Some Americans see immigrants as beneficial in the sense that they strengthen the economy and provide multiculturalism to our ever boiling melting pot, and others see immigrants as dangerous threats to …show more content…
Some of these leaders are well known in history such as Harriet Tubman. Harriet didn’t necessarily move a certain minority group to another country or continent but her migration is just important no matter the distance and is one of the most famous migrations in American history. Harriet Tubman fled slavery by escaping and then going help others escape and created the Underground railroad.She was a hero to African-Americans not only because she freed them physically but she also freed their minds and liberated them. Although she lost people on her journey, it was for the greater goods. They didn’t care if they died, they rather die fleeing for freedom than staying enslaved. The slaves idea of a “hero” was someone who saved from their cruel life as property, showed them the way, offered and guaranteed them freedom and risked their life for them. Harriet Tubman was seen as a threat as she snuck slaves from city to city, there was even a bounty set out for her with a huge reward. Although Odysseus is not your average Harriet Tubman, he is the hero of his crew/army. Odysseus demonstrates his leadership skills throughout the book in various ways but he becomes a hero when he faces Scylla and Charybdis. After departing the sirens he receives word from Circe about the possible outcomes of his journey and tells his crew members and they set
Immigrants are hard workers; however, the Americans are viewing the immigrants as lazy and as a burden to The United States when in actuality research shows that, some immigrants come to The United States legally although they may not have papers to work legally when they first arrive. For many immigrants the process to get legal documentation to work is a long, tedious, and expensive process. Even though this issue is very common, many immigrants are positive and productive contributors in society. On the other hand, there are immigrants who are roaming around the streets, and
Odysseus was an effective leader for many reasons. one example was when Odyssey use his mind to get his men’s out of hades. one example was when he help his mans get to safety. he was an Effective leaders and in this part of the story,Odysseus men were scared of of the Hades, and they did not think Odysseus would make it back,so he told them not to worry, i will make it back and he tells them to leave if he doesn’t make it back to the ship. another example was when Odysseus and his men were stock in cave with the one eye monster.
Odysseus shows that he’s a hero when he brings his man home. Odysseus demonstrates exceptional leadership skills throughout his journey. He leads his men through various challenges, making difficult decisions and inspiring them to persevere. Additionally, in Book 12, Odysseus demonstrates his leadership by preventing his crew from succumbing to the enchanting song of the Sirens, ordering them to plug their ears and tie him to the mast. In Book 12 lines 13-18, it says “Plug your oarsmen’s ears with beeswax kneaded soft; none of the rest should hear the song.
Odysseus can be viewed as brave throughout the story because of many acts of courage he shows. Odysseus has showed us that even in tough times like the time he was trapped in the Cyclops's cave, Odysseus can still show his leadership skills. Successfully leading his team out of the cave Odysseus is also shown other leadership skills. Odysseus has shown that even in tough times he can still prevail and make a decision to help benefit the team. While on the ocean Odysseus made a decision others may not
Odysseus Can be a good leader because he gets his crew out of some bad situations, To start off Odysseus got his crew out of the cyclops’s cave. “So, we seized our stake with its fiery tip and bored it round and round in the giant's eye” (9.435). This quote shows how Odysseus use a stick (more like a pole) and stuck it in the fire and when the cyclops fell asleep Odysseus took the stick and jabbed it into the giant's eye and escaped with most of his crew. Another way that Odysseus can be a good leader is that he got his crew out of Circe’s palace, even after she turned all of the crew into pigs. “Flinging open the pens, drove forth my men, who looked like full-grown swine” (10.429). This quote is showing that Circe is letting Odysseus’s crew out of the pen and releasing them, but in exchange Odysseus would have to sleep with Circe and stay
Odysseus shows leadership by making strategic decisions for his crew and being the King of
Odysseus shows heroic like qualities throughout the Odyssey, but has hard time making the wisest decisions. Odysseus shows his leadership skills in the battle with the Cicones. Odysseus and his men were able to capture the city and was able to collect goods. Odysseus was able to show himself as a prominent leader and conquer.
Odysseus displays several excellent leadership traits, and this exemplifies the hero's multitude of strengths. First, his leadership is demonstrated because his crew obeys his commands. Homer’s text states that his crew, “delivered me from my restraints.” Because his crew respect him, they obey him. As well as exhibiting exemplary leadership, Odysseus also displays a myriad of weaknesses.
For many decades the history of the United States and immigration has always been a very talked about topic of debate. Many Americans did not like the collision that immigrants would have upon the native-born American people, while others welcomed the flow of people as adding to America’s multiculturalism of difference. According to Immigration: Good or Bad for America (2016), a large amount of immigrants try to enter the U.S. borders without proper documentation, in this manner being labeled as illegal immigrants. In addition, the United States unusual position as a nation of immigrants is being questioned by
Immigration has been a burning issue lately, particularly after Donald Trump’s immigration ban in the United States of America. It has been a topic that families discuss every morning with breakfast. Despite many concerns related to immigration, it has several positive benefits that mostly outweighs the negativity. People bizarrely argue when it comes to immigration, but these arguments are primarily based on facts and ideas that are outdated or inconsistent and blindfold the positive aspect related to immigration. Many immigrants in the United States are good workers who don't depend upon any public welfare and mostly help in the overall development of the economy. As a country made by immigrants, we must not forget the fact that immigrants have helped to build cities and create a path of development form Google to iPhones (Gray & Furman, 2012). These facts are secluded, and some related arguments with different content have been repeated for years and continue. Immigrants have a lot to give the United States rather than to take, especially when it comes to economic terms.
Odysseus was a great leader and hero throughout the story in many examples as I have listed below. My first example is when Odysseus was able to make a spear when he was in Polyphemus's cave. He then took the spear and drove it through the eye of the beast, blinding him. The cyclops then moved the boulder and the men escaped by hiding under sheep.This example shows that O. is a hero because he is daring. If the cyclops was to find any of them or he had missed and woken him then this surely would have meant death for them. The second reason is in book twelve when O. must pass the sirens. To do so he slabs beeswax on the ears of his shipmates. This will make it so them can not be lured into the captivity of the sirens. O. then lashes himself
Today one of the biggest issues in America is illegal immigration; these people travel from all over the world, and illegally cross national borders onto U.S soil in desperation to find a better life. Immigrants come to America in hopes of fulfilling the American dream, being free and safe from their original home lands. Most immigrants are illegal and come by the millions each year, which lead to many controversial disputes. The overflow of immigrants caused many citizens to question if these illegal immigrants are damaging America in various way and also by bringing in crime, drugs, and terrorists. Others state that immigrants truly aids the economy “Indeed, some sectors of the economy might have a hard time functioning without illegal workers. (Katel 395) Many citizens believe illegal immigrants are taking jobs, and abusing government benefits, however many argue that these immigrants in fact contribute to a stronger economic stimulus, take unwanted jobs, and some even create jobs for Americans.
Illegal immigration has caused a lot of controversy within the United States. The media has influenced our society to make us believe that illegal immigrants are horrible people. One thing that I have learned throughout life is, “Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains (Rousseau 4).” This sums up how society dictates our lives and limits us to what the media wants to us to believe. Whether it is legal or illegal, everybody should be treated equally. Illegal immigrants might always end up with the short end of the stick, but they heavily support the US economy. They contribute by paying taxes every year. In addition, they adopt difficult low wage jobs that are not of interest to the average American.
Throughout the entire book Odysseus shows that he as an amazing leader. “ Nine whole days we sailed, nine nights, nonstop”- Odysseus, (P. 231, L. 32.) Odysseus leads his crew to new lands always getting
Odysseus is a courageous leader because he saves his crew in combat many times. One way Odysseus shows he is a courageous leader is by proving his worth in combat. Odysseus is obviously a good fighter because he survived the Trojan War, if he had not have been a