
Immigration Villains Or Heroes Essay

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The question that has been plaguing us as Americans,especially in our current political climate, is, are immigrants villains or heroes? Every immigrant has a story. Immigrants have been around for centuries upon centuries, emigrating to new countries and even continents. Some came to flee religious persecution, war, or to have a better life for them and their children. Others, such as slaves, came by force, and some, such as Europeans, came by choice. In our current day and age immigrants are seen as a curse and a blessing wrapped up in one. Some Americans see immigrants as beneficial in the sense that they strengthen the economy and provide multiculturalism to our ever boiling melting pot, and others see immigrants as dangerous threats to …show more content…

Some of these leaders are well known in history such as Harriet Tubman. Harriet didn’t necessarily move a certain minority group to another country or continent but her migration is just important no matter the distance and is one of the most famous migrations in American history. Harriet Tubman fled slavery by escaping and then going help others escape and created the Underground railroad.She was a hero to African-Americans not only because she freed them physically but she also freed their minds and liberated them. Although she lost people on her journey, it was for the greater goods. They didn’t care if they died, they rather die fleeing for freedom than staying enslaved. The slaves idea of a “hero” was someone who saved from their cruel life as property, showed them the way, offered and guaranteed them freedom and risked their life for them. Harriet Tubman was seen as a threat as she snuck slaves from city to city, there was even a bounty set out for her with a huge reward. Although Odysseus is not your average Harriet Tubman, he is the hero of his crew/army. Odysseus demonstrates his leadership skills throughout the book in various ways but he becomes a hero when he faces Scylla and Charybdis. After departing the sirens he receives word from Circe about the possible outcomes of his journey and tells his crew members and they set

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