Night is still in the breakfast nook, but she looks up from her paperback novel as I approach. Without taking her eyes off me, she places a bookmark in between the pages and sets the book on the table.
“Need something?” she asks.
Her voice is soft and pleasant. She doesn’t sound at all disturbed by my interruption. I have a nagging feeling the argument she had with Ice earlier involved me, but it’s still a relief.
“Something to eat, maybe,” I say.
She studies me for a moment before nodding. I follow her into the kitchen and stand around awkwardly nearby.
She has never been anything other than kind to me since we were introduced properly and said herself that she thinks we’ll get along, but I can’t tell whether she actually likes me. It bothers
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She smiles, appearing hesitant. “It went right over my head when you first said it, but immortals also have unique abilities. It’s stuff humans would only think of as fiction. That’s pretty superhuman as well.”
“Unique abilities,” I echo curiously.
The way Ice could change clothing while switching between his cat-form and human-form comes to mind, but I may as well listen to what Night has to say first.
“Immortals are born with one or more unique abilities. These can range from mental abilities like telepathy and omniscience to physical abilities and skills that are enhanced even for an immortal. There are even elemental abilities – like being able to control fire or water. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of different abilities that an immortal can be born with. Some are genetic and run in the family, while others are random happenchance. I’ve even read studies that try to rate the rarity of certain abilities.”
She seems excited to talk about it. With how interested she is in the abilities, I’m surprised she didn’t think to mention this early on in the conversation. Even more surprised than I am to find out the range of abilities immortals can
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“I’m a psychic. I sometimes see things coming before they happen in reality. Usually in dreams, but I can have visions while I’m awake too.”
“That’s so cool!” I eat a bit more before continuing on. “I already know that Ice can change clothes when he transforms, but does he have any other abilities?”
Her face falls slightly upon hearing my question. She glances out the window.
“I’m not certain,” she admits. “I know he has something besides that little parlor trick, but he never told me what it is.”
“But you’re siblings?” I ask.
“Ice has his secrets,” she says coolly. “Though, I am surprised he never told you that he’s adopted.”
“No.” That’s news to me! “But it does explain a lot.”
Like how he looks nothing like the rest of his family, for one.
“I’m sure it does,” she says dryly.
She collects my empty plate and loads it into the dishwasher. While I sit and watch, I wonder if the issue of the Secrecy Agreement is the reason why Ice never explained any of this stuff to me before. Immortals aren’t close to just being shape-shifters. They’re magical, superhuman beings too, but he neglected to mention any of that
“Oh yeah, I know many things, one of the perks of being a witch. I even know what it took for you three to get here.”
“Yeah this morning he screamed and said there was a monster in his closet. It scared me out of my skin. Well I suppose he’ll just grow out of it, right?” She asked him, biting her lip
Lena feels the bed dip and she looks up. Kara’s kind eyes are crinkled with a sympathetic smile.
well--" she giggled behind her hand, "you will soon discover that for yourself." "Your abilities may be different in this world - that is something that must be uncovered individually. Even if you didn't think you had anything special about you, once entering this world, something was unlocked from within, and granted you...interesting prowess, so to speak. I do hope you can have fun with these newfound powers; just try not to kill anyone,
“Yes really, but it has always been intriguing to me…. maybe you can explain it to me?” Ollie asked
“Well my brother and I have special powers Henly can see into the future and I can read peoples
“That doesn’t matter, what matters is that you have a set of skills that may prove useful to us.”
was really into it. She made her way over to her friend, taking the book from her grasp and
“Like superheroes? Is that what I’m hearing right now?” Anarosa laughs humorlessly, “I’m a superhero? That’s both mildly entertaining yet also terrifying.”
Not as many people are around, but there’s enough to keep me busy. Then around four or so, I see her. Marisa Wadsworth is walking inside and spots me instantly. She motions
“Flying seems to be his main trick, but there have been reports by other villains that he can alter the very fabric of the air around him, making weapons out of literally nothing. It’s probably not a big deal, but I thought you should be made aware.” I smile
¨I know but I work with the DEO and if they find out that someone now has powers they will want to do tests on you.¨
"C-come in," she sighs as she hides her face under the blanket. The door creaks open, brightening the otherwise dark room with natural light, concealing Thea's pink reflection.
“Well an easy one would be the tan line on your finger from an old wedding band I would guess. It hasn’t faded much so I’d say it was recent, maybe a month or two ago.” He shook his head a little and puffed his lip a little writing something down. I could tell I was right. He cleared his throat and began again.
“I looked into it and no one has seen any unnatural work coming from the kids, they must not have found out about their powers yet,”