
Immunodeficiency Syndrome In The Film Philadelphia

Decent Essays

The film Philadelphia is about a young man named Andy who has acquired immunodeficiency syndrome also known as AIDs. He does not inform anyone at his workplace that he has this disease, as he is afraid of how he would be treated if people knew. Lesions begin to appear on his face and he tells a coworker it was from getting hit with a tennis racquet. One day, a complaint Andy had written and was needed for court vanished and all traces of it were mysteriously gone until one copy was located miraculously and gotten to court just in time. Soon after he was fired. The company claims he was fired due to that incident, but Andy knew someone had meddled with his report as it was completed and put on his desk. Andy believes he was fired because of his illness and hires a lawyer to make a case against the company for discrimination. Joe, the lawyer, wins the case, and Andy very soon passes away. I believe this film encompasses advocacy. More specifically, the movie shows self-advocacy by Andy wanting to start a case to show how wrongly he was being treated, and professional advocacy as Joe works for Andy and others with this disease to bring about justice. They were showing that those who have AIDs were being unfairly treated and it …show more content…

It made me more aware of discriminations patients may experience due to their illness and not just with the disease of AIDs. This could happen with many different kinds of illnesses. It was great to see that others were willing to fight for Andy and knew that this discrimination was unfair and wrong. It is crazy to think that this population was often treated like this in the past. They would lose their jobs one because they had the illness and two because the business felt as though the person would not have a future prospect for the company due to the illness being deadly. I am glad that that does not seem to occur in today’s times, but I am sure some discrimination does still exist

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