The “giant-impact hypothesis” explains the creating of the moon by a collision of the Earth by a large size rock named Theia. In the past, scientist explained that the rock Theia collided at an angle towards earth and vaporized Theia completely and part of Earth. The debris then came back on Earth and some debris orbited Earth creating the moon. Samples of rock from the Moon are identical from Earth that gives evidence to this theory. Over the past 15 years, more evidence suggested that the rock Theia made a high-energy impact that decimated both Theia and most of Earth, the dense vaper than formed an atmosphere that filled a space than 500 times bigger that today’s Earth. Some debris than collided back to Earth and some formed the Moon. Scientist
Mimas and another Saturn moon, Rhea, have been called the most heavily cratered bodies in the Solar System. It is believed that the craters on Mimas have been around since the beginning of the Solar System. Mimas is so heavily cratered that new impacts will overwrite the old craters that were created in the past. There just is not a part of the Mimas that has not been pounded by impacts.
But his carefully laid out plans for senior year and college are destroyed when an asteroid crashes into the moon knocking the moon out of its orbit, causing the lunar orbit to become closer, which means a stronger gravitational pull towards Earth. A stronger gravitational pull leads to tsunamis and volcanic eruptions in places they don’t usually occur, in
Impact craters are geologic structures formed when a large meteorite, asteroid or comet smashes in to a planet or a satellite. Meteorites are small rocks in space that hit the earth's atmosphere at a high velocity. Throughout their history they have heavily bombarded all the inner bodies in our solar system. In this experiment we will use marbles as our meteorites, these will be free falling objects that will be used to copy an asteroid impact. The surfaces of the Moon, Mars and Mercury, where other geologic processes stopped millions of years ago, record this bombardment clearly. On the Earth, however, which has been
and sediments has shown something incredible. It contained clues to how Earth and the Moon formed as well as the history of the Sun. The scientists looked for what life would be like if humans could live on the moon. The Apollo 11 mission brought back the first geologic samples from the Moon back to Earth. Astronauts collected twenty-two kilograms of material which acquired samples of the lunar "soil," fifty rock samples and two core tubes which was found below the moon’s surface. All the samples was not composed with any water which provided no evidence for living organisms in the Moon's history. They figured out that there was volcanic activity since they
Miranda is a normal sixteen-year-old girl who lives in a normal American town. The students at her school are all excited to see an asteroid hit the moon. When it actually happens, everyone realizes the danger. The impact of the asteroid knocks the moon
A crater, the Bedout crater, in Australia has been discovered. A bolide impact would have lead to mass death of marine and terrestrial organisms. The force of the impact could have released methane from stored organic matter and large earthquakes. These earthquakes would have triggered the volcanism in the Siberian traps, leading to the release of large amounts of CO2 and sulfur dioxide. These gases combined with methane previously released would have created a noxious atmosphere, combined with climate change that killed a large scale of life.
Fig. 2. The formation of the Moon due to an off-centre collision of a Mars sized body (Freedman and Kaufmann, 2009) p.249
Large amounts of iridium – a chemical element that is not a part of the Earth’s crust composition – were originally found in rocks of Europe and United States, and have been found everywhere ever since. Iridium, common in meteorites, is a testable evidence of the disaster hypothesis. Gould continues that the Cretaceous debacle, which is one of five episodes of mass dying, occurred at the same time as the large comet might have smashed into the Earth. The author believes this is not merely a coincidence, rather, it is a proof of the cause-effect relationship. The demise of a wide range of habitats along with the extinction of dinosaurs gives an inestimable advantage to the disaster theory over other claims, the author adds. The comet struck the Earth, and habitats, from terrestrial to marine, died with geological suddenness. Finally, this hypothesis has had an impact on the study of an atomic war and its consequences. A nuclear war, Gould says, may cause a huge drop in temperatures and result in the extinction of humanity. Testable evidence, study, development, contribution – all this makes good science.
In 1975, two scientists by the name of Dr. William K. Hartmann and Dr. Donald R. Davis, came up with a groundbreaking new theory on how the moon was created. Their theory stated “At the time Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago, other smaller planetary bodies were also growing. One of these hit earth late in Earth 's growth process, blowing out rocky debris. A fraction of that debris went into orbit around the Earth and aggregated into the moon” (Hartmann & Herres 1). This theory is known as the Giant Impact Theory and is the accepted theory in the scientific community of how the moon was created. Even though this theory is accepted by most, there are still some people who don’t hold this theory to be true. I agree with Davis and Hartmann’s Giant Impact Theory that a great collision occurred and created the moon. The Giant Impact Theory is supported by the lack of iron on the moon, the moon rocks from the Apollo missions, and its acceptance in the scientific community.
The moon is by far the biggest and most easily recognizable object in earth’s atmosphere that can be perceived by the naked eye on a cloudless night. It is hypothesized that it came into existence nearly 4.5 billion years ago, from residual debris after a planetary body collided with earth. Although, considered the runner-up to the sun as the second brightest object in the sky, its illumination is deceitful, insomuch as the moon is not a source of light, but instead reflects the sun’s illumination from the half of the moon that is in direct alignment with the sun at that time. More readily identified as a satellite of the earth rather than as a planet itself or even a star, it has a diameter a quarter of the size of earth’s size and it
The main mystery surrounding this impact event concerns the fact that the liquefied rock in the crater is significantly less than anticipated because of the impact. The size of the crater measures a depth of 570 feet with a diameter of 4,100 feet. The crater was created approximately fifty thousand years ago
We all know that the Earth was formed by the collision of certain
Earth rocks are very abundant in these minerals and other minerals that thrive in the high temperatures. They are almost completely deprived of these types of elements. Moon Rocks don?t. Moon Rocks also contain small ball like pieces of glass. The main theory on how this happened is by Moon dust being heated to extremely high temperatures along with other minerals. The hot dust would form a small glass piece, and the other minerals would form the rest of the rock. Earth rocks do not have this feature. .
“One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,” is what Mr. Neil Armstrong said on the way back from the moon. He was the first man to touch the moon. He was with Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin and Michael Collins on the Apollo 11 on the way to the moon. The first people that went to the moon were American’s. In these paragraphs they will tell you who proposed the idea, a telephone call made during the trip from the White House, and the significance of the trip.
hit Earth are found to be great discoveries. These small space rocks that have been chipped off