
Buddhism On Indian Society Essay

Decent Essays

How Has Buddhism Influenced Indian Society, Education, and Political System?
Buddhism, which emerged in ancient India (The Kingdom of Magadha) has a substantial impact on Indian social, educational and political life. Although Buddhism could not be a primary religion due to the dominance of Hinduism, it still played a considerable role. Buddhism in India, was not confined to only “ritual, ethical or social practice”; it drove a new “world view” that involves different perspectives of the life (Wickramasinghe, 2009, p. 24). Buddhism provided a nascent morality framework bringing equality, justice, and prosperity to the society that was suffering from religious manipulation. People, who were exhausted from unjust system emerged from doctrines of Hinduism, willingly accepted Buddhism, which brought equality, education, and democracy to the Indian society.
I. Equality
a. Social Dimension: In this paragraph, we will shed a light on the social effect of Buddhism in India. Buddhism can be referred as “a new outlook” in ancient Indians’ life: it changed Vanna system, which determined the society according to various grades (Banerjee, 2007, p. 5). During the revival of Buddhism, the Indian society was divided into four groups, which were Khatiyya, Brahmana, Vessa and Sudda. Brahmans enjoyed superiority on …show more content…

It was the first religion giving too much value to education and scientific knowledge. According to Buddhism, if science uncovers some facts against the teaching of Buddhism, Buddhism will adjust itself to the new discoveries of science. Accordingly, science and Buddhism do not contradict each other but they accomplish each other in a great harmony. (Harvey, 2013) Monasteries (vihares) were the main educational centers during Buddhist period, which later turned into big universities. Admission to vihares was not limited to monks, but anyone who would like to attain education. (Banerjee,

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