
Impact Of Choose And Focus On One Negative Consequences Of Globalization

Decent Essays

Choose and focus on one negative consequence of globalization. Explain what the issue is, and why it is problematic for the world. Your response should be at least 500 words in length.
How does one who is concerned with all of the negative impacts of globalization choose just one to focus on? One area that I have spoken less about but believe could have one of the largest impacts on humanity is the environmental impact of globalization. With globalization has come a global requirement for increased industry, energy, land and resource needs. One of the environmental impacts is deforestation. Deforestation due to globalization is caused by a variety of reasons. Forest land is often cleared to make the land available for growing populations and housing, to produce commercial products like paper, …show more content…

There is an estimated 18 million acres of forest land that is lost each year due to deforestation (Bradford, 2015). Why is this problematic for the world? I believe there are physical, logical, spiritual and moral reasons that this is a problem for humanity. A majority of the earth’s plants and animals live in our forests. By destroying their habitat, animals risk extinction and local populations that rely on the land for food and medicinal purposes face uncertainty of survival. Spiritually this is devastating to me personally. The natural beauty of our planet and animals is something I hold very dear. To think that my grandkids might inherit a world where they can no longer see such wonder and beauty is very sad. NASA predicts that if the current rate of deforestation continues, our rainforests might be completely gone in as

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