Choose and focus on one negative consequence of globalization. Explain what the issue is, and why it is problematic for the world. Your response should be at least 500 words in length.
How does one who is concerned with all of the negative impacts of globalization choose just one to focus on? One area that I have spoken less about but believe could have one of the largest impacts on humanity is the environmental impact of globalization. With globalization has come a global requirement for increased industry, energy, land and resource needs. One of the environmental impacts is deforestation. Deforestation due to globalization is caused by a variety of reasons. Forest land is often cleared to make the land available for growing populations and housing, to produce commercial products like paper,
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There is an estimated 18 million acres of forest land that is lost each year due to deforestation (Bradford, 2015). Why is this problematic for the world? I believe there are physical, logical, spiritual and moral reasons that this is a problem for humanity. A majority of the earth’s plants and animals live in our forests. By destroying their habitat, animals risk extinction and local populations that rely on the land for food and medicinal purposes face uncertainty of survival. Spiritually this is devastating to me personally. The natural beauty of our planet and animals is something I hold very dear. To think that my grandkids might inherit a world where they can no longer see such wonder and beauty is very sad. NASA predicts that if the current rate of deforestation continues, our rainforests might be completely gone in as
More then exceeding my expectations, Seussical the Musical opened on Broadway in 2000 and has since been preformed in off-Broadway settings around the country. Intricately weaving The Cat in the Hat with the various chronicles of Horton the elephant such as Horton Hears a Who and Horton Hatches an Egg, this performance exceeded my expectations. Considering it was a dinner theater in Jacksonville, Florida and that the play’s namesake came from a book my parents read to me as a toddler, my expectations were relatively low; however, the performance greatly exceeded my preconceived expectations. From the high quality of the actors to the surprisingly sophisticated plot, this play proved to be a real treat.
Globalization allows important processes to occur and be maintained more efficiently and important ideas to become reality in an environment where they otherwise may not be. There is a certain irony involved in this however that must be mentioned. For example, globalization is going to allow the world to work together to hopefully solve our apocalyptic environmental predicament in a best case scenario. Of course however, this predicament is a result of globalization(1, Conclusion). Still, it allows the human race to push forward, which at this point we must recognize as a necessity of our species in a time where progress of the human race is growing rapidly. In my opinion this is a progress is written in our DNA, and globalization has allowed us to accomplish truly incredible things(2, Conclusion).
Globalization has both benefits and disadvantages. Whether one outweighs the other depends on the person answering the question. However, within this essay is why the advantages can outweigh the disadvantages if society begins to play their cards right and not abuse the chances we have to achieve sustainable prosperity for all. But if the world continues the way it is going now, destroying the earth and each other, the disadvantages can quickly take over and ruin everybody. We cannot live with only benefits like the world has provided for itself. Add in the fact that the way the world tries to get sustainable prosperity hasn't been successful, we need to settle for the current life filled with both benefits and disadvantages.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a talking psychotherapy that is now commonly available through general practice as a low cost alternative treatment to antidepressant drugs. Individuals with depression, a mood disorder, are found to have low levels of neurotransmitters (Schildkraut, Green & Mooney, 1985) and were traditionally treated with selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs). According to NHS statistics, SSRIs were prescribed more than ten million times in 2000, the most popular being Prozac and Seroxat. As these medicines were proving so successful, why should being able to talk to someone about the way we feel be a possible alternative?
Constructed well over 2,000 years ago the Parthenon and its corresponding statues were built in dedication to the goddess Athena in the honorably named Athens. Through warfare and time itself little over half of all statues have survived to this day. Of those sculptures some reside in the Acropolis Museum in Athens and the rest are on display in the British Museum in London. While the validity of Britain’s legal attainment of these statues is debatable the lacking moral premise of such collection is undisputable. Britain simply cannot own therefore display that which is not theirs. When the Parthenon was built the structure held extreme religious value to the Athenians. The Athenians were a polytheistic society whom based
The affect of environmental issues occur everyday and in particular deforestation is becoming a highly ranked subject. From animals to the human race, the alacrity of trees that are cut down affects every individual in a variety of ways. Not only do people need to help the planet but they need to help themselves and further generations to come, such as children and grandchildren because these natural resources that are being taken away from society are as well shaping the future. For comprehensible reasons, forests use to make up the world, until man made creatures started to destroy and destruct the most important supply to human kind which are trees. Trees are crucial to every living entity for the reason of providing oxygen to all.
Environmental issues affect every life on this planet from the smallest parasite to the human race. There are many resources that humans and animal needs to survive; some of the most obvious resources come from the forests. Forests make up a large percentage of the globe. The forests have global implications not just on life but on the quality of it. Trees improve the quality of the air that species breath, determine rainfall and replenish the atmosphere. The wood from the forests are used everyday form many useful resources. Moreover, thinning the forests increases the amount of available light, nutrients and water for the remaining trees. Deforestation (forest thinning) is one of the most
Thirdly, globalization has also effects on human socially, in their cultural and way of thinking. As countries always need to corporate with each other when they do some investment or business together, as neighbors engage in communication to determine their shared goals, and how they wish to live. Therefore globalization allows humanity to work together as a team towards noble goals rather than as individuals grasping to meet their own needs. Countries can bond to each others more closely. This way, interacting between different races and religion facilitates and we can understand
Deforestation is a problem that does not concern many people, but it is an issue that the people of Earth need to deal with. In the past 50 years deforestation has increased a significant amount, but people around the world have been removing the forests since the 1600s. The forests remaining are in danger as the human population goes up, the need for resources will also increase and this will make the deforestation of the last forests come quicker before humans realize it is too late. Unless the people address this threat to the world, it will be too late because this is something that can be fixed, the forests can be rebuilt but it has to start right now before there is nothing people can do. There are many causes for deforestation such as, clearing space for urbanization, making areas available for houses, or harvesting the lumber for goods and other consumer items and all of these have an effect on the world. The consequences of deforestation can affect all aspects of life on Earth, including the water cycle, the soil, and the life quality of species around the world.
‘Explain the meaning of globalization and discuss critically, illustrating with examples, the impact globalization has had on a country, industry, or business of your choice.’
Globalization has had both a positive and negative impact throughout the world. An interconnectedness within the world where complicated issues can arise creating an unevenness that can contribute to a societies as well as the individuals happiness in life (El-Ojelli, 2006:p1). The negative impacts of
Ninety percent of the earth’s trees between three and four hundred years old have been cut down. The remaining ten percent is all we will ever have (Gallant, 97). The definition of deforestation by the Random House Dictionary of the English Language is "to divest or clear of forests or trees.” Deforestation is one of the most significant issues of our time; considerable measures must be taken to prevent further pillaging of our unique forest resource.
Some view globalization as being inevitable and key to our economic future. It has the potential of making societies richer through trade, and creates knowledge and understanding to people around
Deforestation is a major global problem with serious consequences to the planet. These consequences have a negative effect on the climate, biodiversity, the atmosphere and threatens the cultural and physical survival of life. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of indigenous forests and woodlands. It has resulted in the reduction of indigenous forests to four-fifths of their pre-agricultural area, so that now indigenous forests cover only 21% of the earth's land surface. The world Resources Institute regards deforestation as one of the worlds most pressing land use problem.
Across the world, globalization is one of the most significant aspects that has occurred over the last fifty years. It allows a country to integrate economically with other countries through a global network comprised of people, trade, and transportation. With the global landscape only becoming more intertwined, globalization and its inherent pros and cons seem to be here to stay. In many areas, global powers tend to lack in rectifying the negative aspects and only focus on the positive side. America, for example, is a leader in the globalization efforts, even though it has greatly effected job opportunities at home, widening income gaps, and an increased standard of living due to fluctuating world markets.