
Impact Of Cna Code Of Ethics In Nursing Ethics

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Registered Nurses have an ethical responsibility to follow specific values and responsibilities which are outlined in the Canadian Code of Ethics (2017) provided by the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA). The Code of Ethics provides the standards of care Registered Nurses must meet when providing care to a patient, a patient’s family, or other members of the community. The CNA Code of Ethics impacts the nursing practice of Registered Nurses (RN) through their ethical responsibility to ensure they are providing safe, compassionate, competent, and ethical care.
Safe Practices in health care are practices that reduce the risk of adverse impact on patients due to exposure to medical care. In the article, “Role of effective nurse-patient relationships in enhancing patient safety” it is argued that “Ensuring and maintaining patient safety is an essential aspect of care provision. It is important that RNs maintain an effective nurse to patient relationship, a good health care environment and working practices that promote safety to ensure optimal patient care” (Conroy, Tiffany & Feo, et al. 2017). Furthermore, teamwork and communication is vital for the implementation of quality, and safe patient care. A lack of communication may lead to inadvertent patient harm. Creating an environment where nurses can speak and express their concerns and also alert/inform team members concerning unsafe situations is essential, thus advocating for their patients.
Compassion in nursing practice is

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