The most impressive invention in last decade that changed the world for better is the internet. Whether it be a developed western country like US, UK, or a developing country like India, or a remote country in parts of Africa, all of them were influenced by the advent of Internet in the 90s.
The biggest impact of the internet was that it allowed people to interact with like-minded citizens from other parts of the world. Chat groups, blogs were the earliest trend in the internet history, which allowed people from opposite end of the world to share ideas with each other. The rise of search engines and current affair sites, like yahoo, google, etc., allowed people to keep themselves updated in current affairs, and other topics of interest, as
The internet has changed the world as we knew it. The world no longer communicates, does business, or perches commodities in the same a traditional way. E-mail, instant massager and chat rooms were the first innovations to be used by the public. As time went on more and more people depended on the internet to communicate with each other. It did not take long for the U.S. Postal service to see the decline in mailed letters. With the internet being so easy to access and email being so easy to use it quickly became the preferred way to communicate with family and friends over long distances. Companies soon followed suit to better serve their clients.
The internet makes people to be more dependency. It makes people to observe more information, and to be tended to find information. People relay more in finding information in the internet today. Furthermore, people are physically involved as they try to think and find information from the internet. The internet may have small effect on people, but still it helps people.
The internet and the development of digital technology (computer-based technology) in particular, have made the most significant impact in the field of information and communication technology in the past decade. The internet is essentially a network of computers across the world which is linked through global
The Internet has negative and positive impacts, it depends how we will make use of it; the negative effects can be like a computer virus, internet theft, pornography, and dating sites, however the internet can be used for good purposes. Internet helps people to communicate and be connected with everyone all around the world by mail, Skype, Facebook, Google, twitter, and other social network apps and web sites; I personally believe technology benefits everyone and we are depending on this platform to better our lives in a positive way.
The impact of the internet on society is simply the total effect of this innovation on society. It refers to the major change the internet has brought about at an individual and global
For this reason, the Internet, as it evolved education, revolutionized medical productivity, and grew the economy by expanding business opportunities, influenced the United States the most in the 20th century.
How the internet affects us socially, it has a lot of positive effects on the socially part of every day like for example. It gives us ways to connect with family, friends and ways for entertainment and news. And get to see what is happening around the world and see what's happening in politics.
Without a doubt the internet has had a profound effect on nearly every aspect of our lives. Businesses have used the internet to market their products worldwide. Various forms of online communication such as emailing, instant messaging, and video conferencing has allowed instantaneous communication to occur. The internet has provided us entertainment by way of live streamed videos, social media, online games
The Internet Affects Pop Culture The internet has had an impact on pop culture, through social media we discover new products which would be harder without the internet. In today society artists, writers are able to show product of their work easier than in the past. It becomes easier to get a contract deal than before. The internet provides ways to build a larger community, and provide easier access to the contents shared by the users.
There are dangers of online communication such as social networks where users can lie about who they are [4]“Megan thought she was being abused by 16-year-old Josh Evans, she was actually talking to Lori Drew, the 49-year-old mother of one of her former friends who, it is alleged, had set up a fake profile to taunt Megan.” in social networking sites it is very easy for people to
The effects of the internet on me and this society have been rapidly changing. Did you know that approximately 3.2 billion people use the internet, about 200 billion emails and 3 million google searches would have to wait if the internet was turned off for one day. Let me tell you about something that happened when i was little, it might be off topic a little but when i was little i was born backwards, meaning i came out legs first. My hips were out of place and until i was about 2. My dad is always on the internet and loved taking pictures of his “Little princess”, the pictures can still be found on facebook along with a lot of other things from my family memories. That was when i started wanting to get on the internet, i asked for a facebook and they said no, being a rebel i made one anyways just to play the games on it. The internet can have positive and negative things about it for younger and older people, for example the internet engines are one of the best information givers out there, they bring almost everything and anything to a lot of internet users that lange from all over the world. The internet can provide ways to communicate with family and friends from a long distance, and even meet new people. Bad things about it is people sharing and storing illegal information on the internet, much like the dark web. The addiction to the internet and the online network can be disturbing a person's way of living and professional activity.
The internet is the easier way for people to communicate with each other. It has made the world smaller by bringing people together everywhere and any time. This invention has important tools for people to contact and it has changed their way of communication in today busy world. In fact people are becoming totally dependent on the internet as a way of communication in their daily life, business and work. The limitation of old communication tools has made the use of internet for communication is wider all over the world .
The Internet affects our society as-well by creating groups or cliques to take down a certain objective or any other important phenomenon. By this action, it can influence people to do idiotic doings and hurt themselves or
The Internet changed our life enormously, there is no doubt about that. There are many advantages of the Internet that show you the importance of this new medium. What I want
The internet and technology has changed the world and how we live in many ways. It has changed our daily lives and everything about how we share information. Some people may argue whether the cons outweigh the pros of the internet, but overall it has brought so much more advantages and opportunities for us humans. The internet has changed the world for the better because it has allowed research to be found at the click of a button, helped connect people worldwide, and helped spread news and important information in seconds.