
Impact of Internet on Modern Youth

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Impact Of Internet On Modern Youth The content of the current media culture is often blind to a young person’s cultural,economic and educational background. The concept of a media culture has evolvedowing to the increased volume, variety and importance of mediated signs and messagesand the interplay of interlaced meanings. In the world of young people, the media are saturated by popular culture and penetrate politics, the economy, leisuretime and education. At present, the global media culture is a pedagogic force that has the potential to exceed the achievements of institutionalized forms of education. As Henry Giroux puts it:“With …show more content…

Furthermore, various kinds of media-transmitted skill sand knowledge are stored and translated into movements of the body. This is evident in a number of youth subcultures involving certain popular sports, games and music/dances such as street basketball, skateboarding and hip hop. The body is highly susceptible to different contextual forms of control. While they are in school, pupils’ movements are regulated by certain control mechanisms and cognitive knowledge. In the streets, youth clubs and private spaces, however, their bodies function according to a different logic. Informal knowledge absorbed through the media culture requires some conscious memorizing but also involves physicall earning, quite often commercialized.11Third, in the experience of young people, media culture represents a sourceof pleasure and relative autonomy compared with home or school. As P. Willis states:“Informal cultural practices are undertaken because of the pleasuresand satisfactions they bring, including a fuller and more rounded sense of the self, of ‘really being yourself’ within your own knowable cultural world. This entails finding better fits than the institutionally or ideologically offered ones, between the collective and cultural senses —the way it walks, talks, moves, dances, expresses, displays— and its actual conditions of existence; finding a

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