
Implementing Log Shipping

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Implementing Log Shipping Log shipping provides a form of high availability that can make a copy of a database available on multiple computers. The server instance for a primary database in a log shipping configuration performs regular backups of database changes recorded in the log file. The secondary computers in a log shipping configuration copy and restore the backup log files to make their own local copy of the primary database. Therefore, the same, or nearly the same, database can be accessed from multiple server instances by different communities of users. Inserts, updates, and deletes take place on the primary computer in a log shipping configuration. If your query load is very heavy, you can make multiple copies of a database available for queries on different computers. Of course, one copy of a database can serve as a warm standby in the event of a failure to the primary database on which database changes are made. A major caveat is that the copies will be read only, and as such must have everything the same, including security. Overview of Log Shipping It is common to implement log shipping with a minimum configuration of two or three computers. A primary server instance making the primary database available for inserts, updates, and deletes. One or more secondary server instances store a copy of the primary database derived from a restored copy of backed up log files from the primary database. An optional third server instance, the monitor server, can issue

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