
Importance Of Arranged Marriages In Modern Society

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Arranged Marriages Within Modern Society Generally speaking, the words arranged marriage evokes fear or even anger in one’s heart. For various amounts of people, especially those with a western mindset, the liberty to choose one’s own spouse remains utterly important and even a human right in our society today. While I strongly believe that every human owns the freedom to choose whether they want to marry someone, I also believe misconceptions form in some mind’s when the words, “arranged marriages” are spoken. While not all arranged marriages remain sincere and fair in the world today, marriages guided by parents with willing children often produce healthy and lasting marriages. Although weak arranged marriages occur as well, strong arranged marriages also exist. I believe that arranged marriages often stay robust considering admirable parents know their children well, since arranged marriages often reflect two people with the same values, and lastly because these marriages often start with solid foundations. Honorable parents know their children well and hold the potential to find loving spouses for them. When someone dearly loves their child, the child will accept this love and express trust in their parent’s wisdom and choice for spouses. I have witnessed various situations where parents suggested and set up couples, and these so-called arranged marriages endured successfully. Even last night, a friend retold a story about her friends who set up their

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