
Importance Of Disability In Education

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Disability as a Barrier. Students with a disability are a vulnerable population in our schools, as they are more likely to experience social isolation and bullying. Victimization by peers is noted to be one of the strongest predictors of negative school outcomes (Espelage, D. L., Aragon, S. R., Birkett, M., & Koenig, B. W., 2008). When bullying occurs, trust is damaged and students may withdraw or disengage from social relationships and not seek help from adults when needed. As a result, students with disabilities may have greater difficulty forming positive relationships at school and possess less social support (ie capital). The Espelage, Aragon, Birkett & Koenig study (2008) highlights the importance of positive relationships with parents and school as buffers to negative outcomes. Yet, tensions and fractured relationships between parents and schools often lead to lost opportunities for engagement and partnership. Parents and families of student with a disability benefit from leadership, communication and collaboration skills training opportunities (Shepherd, K. G., & Kervick, C. T., 2016), yet many schools lack the insight or resources to offer this type of support.
Disability status presented a very real, significant barrier to the Gil-Rostovich family in forming positive relationships and engagement with the school. All members of the family either had an identified disability or a suspected disability (Leah). Dannie, who is in the 2nd grade, has been diagnosed

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