Although one’s culture is based on their experiences they have had, it is also based on values of family and education that help shape one’s opinion and view. One's culture is primarily based on their past experiences, but the value of education also shapes one's view or perspective and is also very important. Dee and Bharati both experienced different surroundings from what they're used to and adapted away from their past culture in Everyday Use and Two Ways to Belong in America. In Everyday Use, Dee says, "I never knew how lovely these benches are"(Walker 63). Dee has not seen nor used her past culture in sometime and nearly forgets about the simplest things. She recognizes what she used to have, but does not live in it everyday
Culture incorporates many different aspects of life such as religion, food, language, ethnicity, and many more. All of these aspects influence the way a person lives and acts. Although culture provides a positive influence by bestowing self worth, it could also negatively affect someone’s life. Culture affects a person in many ways by creating internal and external conflict, which influences the way others view them and therefore affects their actions and how they feel about themselves.
“Culture is sometimes described as a lens through which we view the world, meaning that one’s culture influences their perceptions and interactions in everyday life” (Davis, 2006). Every culture has different beliefs and customs
A person’s culture can influence what they do on a day-to-day basis. This is most obvious in Texas, my home state. Our culture is very strong as we are always promoting companionship and friendliness to anyone and everyone.
Culture is one of the most relevant elements that can define not only a society but also a country’s cumulative beliefs and system. Often noted as the origins of a country, culture is definitive in the sense that it harbors all the elements that can provide justification on the traditions and norms set by the society for its members. More often than not, the society members follow norms in order to create a harmonious community, and the beliefs and the traditions serve as the poles or grounding rules for each member to follow. Culture is very dynamic in the way that it can change over a variety of foreign influences but what is permanent about it is that original elements about it often lingers with the influences, therefore making it multi-faceted and broad. More importantly, culture serves as an individual and unique trait each society has, and therefore sets it apart from other countries and other societies.
Several factors affect the formation of one’s culture, Palispis, E. (2007) quoted Sir Edward Tylor, “Culture… refers to that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as member of society.” (Palispis, E., 2007) In this context culture is something we acquire from the people we have lived with since we were born, it is not something a person can learn overnight nor can be disposed effortlessly.
Advanced technology and forms of communication have changed the way we look at our nation. The current political climate and the cultural movement that is happening in our nation is going to go down in history as a revolution. A revolution where news headlines are instantaneously on our phone screens, and thanks to our advanced technology, a whole world of information is a few clicks away. However, despite these advancements in technology, the cultural change in America is often slowed down because there is a general lack of education. In America, education is the one, if not the biggest barriers that economically and institutionally suppress an overwhelming amount of the nation’s adults. Majority of adults in America do not have basic reading and writing skills yet education is still not a priority in America. There is a crucial need for education in America, now more than ever. In my opinion, the only reason for the current political climate in America is the lack of education that brings basic awareness. The solution to what we are witnessing as a nation is an education that makes individuals aware of the reality of our circumstances and allows them to see a perspective from multiple points of views. In this paper, I will present my argument on why education should be made a priority in America.
One big part of my cultural is our history. As may of us know some things about our culture's history, we are looked upon to know as much as we can possibly find about ourselves. Our parents and grandparents say this because they don't want any part of our culture to fade away. This is represented everywhere I go. In our church we have greek school where we learn about how the church came about, customs, and ancient greece, even sometimes how to speak greek. This is also encouraged outside of the church just in our homes. This was extremely important when I was little. We would frequently watch what seemed to be very boring ‘greek history’ shows that made my 5 year old self wonder why we watched them. This was ‘fun’ for my grandparents but now I realised the reason why we watched them was because they were proud of who they were. All this sums up into how education is so important to everyone in our culture.
Culture can be seen in religion, language, family structure, food, music, dance, and so much more. The most crucial elements of culture are its values and beliefs. Values are deeply embedded and are critical for transmitting and teaching a culture’s beliefs (page 58). However, it is unwise to work on the assumption that people have a particular culture simply because they have a particular skin color.
“A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the souls of its people,” Gandhi said. Culture is in every person, but everyone interprets it differently. Different cultures and individual interpretations of those cultures can lead to changes in the way they view others and the world. A person’s background influences how they view the world, but outlying factors contribute to their outlook on different aspects of society as well.
The attitude, values, ideals and beliefs of individuals are greatly influenced by the culture in which they live. Precisely, culture is the sum total of the ways of life of people in a particular society.
Professor Safdar introduces her talk with a definition of culture, “human-made part of the environment, includes materials and subjective elements”. Culture is what we see in our world and how we perceive it. Culture determines how, when, and where an action takes place in our lives and days. It has affected us developmentally and cognitively. According to Lev Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist, believed that culture, social interaction, and formal instruction shapes how we learn and think as we grow. His theory of cognitive development, also known as sociocultural theory, helps prove that culture affects our cognitive development. He states that, “our parents and our schools shape a child's thought process.” They teach us which cultural values to follow and then what they
A person’s culture has such a major impact on what shapes them into the person they are. It shapes their views on life and how they should conduct themselves. From such a young age you are surrounded by what is considered to be your norms, but it comes from your culture. Your parents were taught certain morals and values and they in return carry them those traditions and incorporate them when raising and disciplining their child. As you grow up you carry those morals and value with you and it becomes a cycle. As a Jamaican/American I have certain traditions and values I know are significant attributes of my Jamaican culture, but living and growing up in America I know what parts of my culture are due to my American upbringing. I had the opportunity to interview a friend, Feyishara Oreagba, who comes from two Nigerian parents. Feyishara, Feyi for short, is a 21-year-old female, who spent some time living in London, but mostly grew up in America, Prince Georges County to be exact. Based on research and interviewing her I was able to gain more of an insight on the Nigerian culture and the differences in comparison to my culture. Learning about the culture has allowed me to also acquire information on how to care for people from the Nigerian culture.
Culture is the totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects, and behavior. It includes ideas, values, and artifacts of groups of people (Schaefer, 2006). Understanding culture can be tricky, ever ask “why do people act the way they do?”, “what made me do that”, “what was I thinking?” Physical abilities, educational background, and social background of how I was raised are important aspects of my life. The environment in which I was raised is very important aspect of my life.
Culture is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behaviour. Growing up, children learn basic values, perception and wants from the family and other important groups.