
Importance Of Gender Inequality

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In a previously male-dominated society where man’s political, economic and cultural privileges arise from their ‘masculine advantage’, attempts have been made to better understand the roles and capabilities of each gender, in particular the female gender, and the relationship between the two, so as to decrease disparity and attain a greater sense of social equality. A greater sense of equality between genders, which are non-physiological expectations of being male or female as driven by social and cultural forces, translates to a greater sense of empowerment, increasing the knowledge, decision-making power and overall participation of people in their respective communities and areas of work. Finally, understanding gender issues helps in incorporating mitigating mechanisms in workplace etiquette, policy-making and, eventually, societal norms, reducing inequitable impacts and ensuring sustainability.

In order to better understand the issues surrounding gender and its relevance to international development, one must articulate the unequal differences between men and women. The gender pay gap, or the average difference between men’s and women’s aggregate salaries, is one of the more transparent indicators of gender inequality. Globally, it has been found that there is a 24 percent disparity between the average men’s salary and that of a women’s (UN WOMEN PROGRESS). Breaking it down with a focus on developed countries, Korea (36.6 percent), Japan (26.6 percent) and Netherlands

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