
Importance Of My Experience On Self-Efficacy

Satisfactory Essays

September Monthly Assessment
The behavior that I want to change is the amount of sleep I get on the weekdays. My goal is starting September 1, 2017, I want to get 8 hours or more of sleep every weekday until the end of the Fall 2017 school semester. This SMART goal has been very hard to maintain when I don’t have a solid self-efficacy plan, motivation, confidence, and better self-awareness of what I will intentionally try to accomplish every day.
Self-Efficacy is the belief or confidence that one will successfully perform a task. Also, self-efficacy improves motivation so I thought that since motivation is very important any other skill that can help would be very beneficial to incorporate into my goal SMART goal as the course progresses. Some sources of self-efficacy are performance accomplishments, imaginal experiences, emotional arousal, and verbal persuasion. Some techniques for improving self-efficacy are setting goals, acting confidently, having positive self-talk, preparation and imagining success. I have been trying to imagine getting more sleep and feeling well rested in the mornings as an imagery technique for success. This is hard most days since life gets in the way but I try, which is what counts to me.
Motivation can be described as the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. Motivations have two subsets: intrinsic and extrinsic, I am more intrinsically motivated which means I participate mainly for the pleasure and for myself.

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