Now, whenever I am asked, “What’s the best instrument?”, I stare back dumbfounded; the answer is painstakingly obvious. The best instrument is the piano, and it wins the argument by a landslide. Now, before you start to list off all of the instruments that you believe better, listen to the facts, and after you can reform your opinion
For starters, the piano is a familiar instrument to most, and has a great amount of versatility. It is included in a great number of songs nowadays; additionally you can also find it in those released in the past. The piano is a fantastic staple for the performing of any song, as you can adjust your style of play to accommodate different styles of music. Now, I’m not saying that you can’t play different
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Now, you may be thinking right now; “Why would I even care if the piano is the best? How could I learn how to play such a complex instrument?” This is where you are wrong, and if you already know how to play piano, you can definitely agree. Piano is one of the easiest instruments out there, and while this is a matter of opinion, I strongly believe that that is a true statement. First, when you are starting off, all you need to do is press two keys down together and presto; you have already made music. If you put two fingers of one hand down on the keys, while pressing down another with the opposite hand; BOOM! More music has been made. See, the beauty of the piano (and it’s music) is that it is not a necessity to be complex or excessively fast. Sometimes, a slow melody, or a simple one is just as enjoyable. This means that you can play songs that are simple to learn, while still keeping people engaged in your music. On top of that, there are children as young as four playing the piano with ease; if a child can do it, so can you! There have even been people that can play piano without hands. The bottom line is that playing piano is incredibly effortless.
To recount, the piano is truly one of the best instruments out there. There are many pieces of evidence to support this argument, but above all the piano is; an instrument that you can play with ease, regardless of your age; a well-known instrument that is found in a large number in songs,
“To the woman who wishes to have children, we must give these answers to the question when not to have them.”. This was an eloquent quote from Margaret Sanger that she delivered in her book, Women and the New Race. Margaret was a very prominent feminist and she believed that women should be educated by knowing they have the right to control what happens with their body. This person is considered, by Time Magazine, to be one of the most influential individuals of the 20th century, mostly due to her role sex education, birth control activism, and also for her writings pertaining to those issues. This is why Margaret Sanger was such an important individual. She changed course for women’s rights by advocating the legalization of the use of contraceptives
The piano was intended to be more technologically advanced than the harpsichord (it's predecessor). It could hold out notes, change volumes, and hit the strings instead of pluck them, all of which the harpsichord couldn't. The piano was the perfect instrument for ragtime, especially since it was the early 1900's. It was already in almost every home for kids to learn, it could play many notes at once, and was easily made for anyone with a sum of money. It was this instrument that opened up a whole kingdom of music ruled over by almost a single-king.
In Player Piano, everything is controlled by machines and computers and depends on productivity. The managers and engineers only create new programs for more productive production. Even the rates of production and consumption are calculated by a computer (EPICAC), which is seated in the large Carlsbad cavern system. The EPICAC computer even determines the people's careers and in this way their whole lives. It gives intelligence tests to everyone, and on the basis of their results it sorts people into two categories - suitable for university entering exams and suitable for 'work'. The university studies allow their graduates to become managers, engineers, writers or public relation workers. You may become a writer only if
Hans Christian Anderson one said that where words fail, music speaks. Nowhere is this truer than in The Piano Lesson by August Wilson. The Piano Lesson tells the story of family that struggles in the side and what do with a family heirloom that takes the form of an ornately carved upright piano. Bernice wishes to keep the piano but her brother, Boy Willie, wishes to sell the piano for land because according to him Bernice is not doing anything but letting it sit there and rot because no one is playing it. Yet despite what Boy Willie says the piano actually gets quite a bit of use in the play. Along with playing the piano the characters can also be seen singing in the play. The songs the characters sing and perform does a good job of relating the characters thoughts and actions to a more musical medium. From songs such as Maretha's beginners piece on the piano to Wining Boy's more experienced yet melancholic tune the music of The Piano Lesson tells us about the character's pasts and presents.
The stock market has always intrigued me and I have since been eager to learn more about it. Starting back in January of this year, I ordered three textbooks on stock trading to become more informed on the subject. After reading these books, I gained further insight on stock trading which led me to open my own brokerage account where I could buy and sell stocks. I started by playing a stock simulation which was very similar in concept to StockTrak, a program we used in this class. I found that this helped provide me with a hands on experience which helped familiarize me with stock trading and learning how to manage and use my money efficiently. I continued to play this simulation for about two months and during this time my portfolio grew about 4%, which provided me a confidence boost and motivated me to invest in my real money into the stock market. In March of 2015, I officially began trading in the stock market and I continued to learn along the way. As of now, I have roughly nine months of stock trading experience. As stated previously, I have always had in interest in the stock market, but I never acted upon it until as recently as earlier this year. My interest in the stock market was peaked because I enjoy taking risks and the stock market
This is one reason why music is such an important thing for every member of society to learn, even if they are not music specialists such as performers or composers. As I stated earlier, virtually every member of our society encounters music every day. There are many objective elements of music that we need to be familiar with in order to successfully interact with it. These include basic understanding of concepts such as beat, pitch, and texture. Furthermore, as music is a form of expression, if one wants to understand what is being expressed, one needs to speak the language in which it is expressed. Just like there is literacy of words and numbers, there is literacy of music.
My life has always been tied to the piano in some shape or form. I can remember the first notes I ever produced. They came from a large Cable upright piano that had sat unused and out of tune for decades. From my early childhood and on my relationship with the piano consisted of nothing more than fleeting encounters. Some days I would sit down and simply play notes I thought sounded nice, but mostly the piano acted as a decoration in my home. It wasn 't until moving to Oklahoma to be with my mother 's family that anything serious developed concerning the piano. I had always been far away from my family, so when I met up with my grandmother we took the time to catch up. She mentioned that my mother used to play the piano quite well. Up until that point I had never given the piano much thought, but I began to think about my mother and all the old piano books she had accumulated from her adolescence. That set in motion my desire to learn how to play and an eventual reappraisal of the way I looked at music and the world around me.
One of the most common musical instruments in many homes is the piano; and most people have the opportunity for even a few lessons in their youth. However, despite the simplicity of its lines and keys (88 keys), 2-3 pedals on the modern piano, and either upright (vertical) or grand style (horizontal), the physics of the piano are both interesting and complex.
He is unable to play because he will give himself away so we instead watch his fingers move across the air above the piano’s keys as whilst the sound plays in his head and too the viewer. Throughout the film we also see Szpilman pretending to play the piano as he taps his finger across his legs. It is moments such as these that help to maintain Szpilman’s willingness to survive by keeping silent, but also how piano gives fills him with the hope that is instrumental in his survival. In other scenes such as when a German officer asks Szpilman to play piano for him, and allows him to live because of his immense talent we begin to realise that Szpilman’s hope – music, does not only help him to survive mentally, but also physically as he can share the gift that he has to others. It is also important to note that Polanski only music by the Polish composer, Chopin is used throughout ‘The Pianist’. His sad and evocative music brings upon a sad mood, yet one with a hint of hope and with this, the director can more vividly express his ideas a way that dialogue or action cannot.
The piano, created by Bartolomeo Christofori in 1709, has impacted our society by becoming a popular instrument and a popular medium for musicians to create musical masterpieces. Also called the pianoforte, the piano is one of the most beautiful sounding instruments that can range in sound from as low as a gust of wind, to as high as the shrill sound of a bird. It has evolved over time and become an amazing instrument. The piano was accepted very well in history and it has generated many changes in the music industry. The piano was also used a lot in society and has had many applications grow from it. Without it, many classical masterpieces as well as modern songs wouldn’t have been possible.
Once you take care of that aspect, are you getting the piano simply for something to use as a hobby or will it be used to make a living and be a part of your profession? Is the model you are looking at one you could sit at and be comfortable for hours at a time? These just some of the things to keep in mind while reading these reviews.
The poem Piano, by D. H. Lawrence describes his memories of childhood. Hearing a woman singing takes him to the time when his mother played piano on Sunday evenings. In the present, this woman is singing and playing the piano with great passion. However, the passionate music is not affecting him, because he can only think about his childhood rather than the beauty of the music that exists in his actual space.
Musical instruments have played many major roles in helping with the construction of many societies around the world today. Many people do not realize what musical instruments have been responsible for and how they have helped shape the world today. There have been many instruments that have helped create and sculpt the world, but one instrument that I want to inform readers about is the trumpet and where it came from, as well as how it has changed over many years. The point that I am arguing is the fact that many people do not know where the trumpet has come from and how it has affected society.
To become a good piano player, one must love music. The love of music can help you truly understand the music you play, so that you can play it well. For example, when you play a piece of music on the piano, not only must you get the notes and the rhythm right, you must also be
As the ivory keys moved up and down I listened to the sweet sound of my grandma's piano playing. I knew that I wanted to be a piano player and that If I were to do that, then my grandma would have to teach me so that one day I could play just like her. I started playing piano when I was seven and I have been playing ever since. My grandma has taught me for five years and will continue to teach me. Piano is very big and important in my family. My cousins play and my grandma also teaches them and we all have to practice for her and other activities. Piano playing has shaped me into the person I am today because having a good attitude,practice, and hard work has helped me by teaching lessons that will help me know what I want to be when I grow up.