
Importance of Bio Equivalence Studies

Better Essays

Vol. 20, No. 2, May 2011

Clopidogrel copy products in Indonesia are bioequivalent to Plavix® 149

The importance of bioequivalence study: focus on clopidogrel
Arini Setiawati
Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Studi bioekivalensi (BE) diperlukan untuk menunjukkan apakah suatu produk copy dapat menggantikan produk inovator. Tujuan makalah ini adalah untuk menjelaskan alasan melakukan studi BE, produk-produk utama yang memerlukan studi BE, serta desain dan pelaksanaan studi BE, dengan fokus pada klopidogrel. Semua produk generik klopidogrel di Indonesia telah ditunjukkan bioekivalen (BE) dengan produk inovatornya, Plavix®, dan mereka mengandung bahan …show more content…

The D, M, and E are constant within the same subject, therefore differences in the plasma concentration (= the therapeutic effect) are due to differences in the amount of drug absorbed, or in other words depends on the delivery of drug from its formulation. Thus, the therapeutic effect depends on the bioavailability (BA) of the drug product, and therefore bioequivalence means therapeutic equivalence. Before discussing bioequivalent of a product, we will first discuss what is bioequivalence (BE), therapeutic equivalence (TE), main products requiring BE, as well as design and conduct of BE studies in general. What is bioequivalence (BE)1. There are some definitions. Bioavailability (BA) is the amount of drug, in percentage of dose, which is absorbed and reaches the systemic circulation (bioavailable) in unchanged/active form. Bioequivalence (BE) is equivalence bioavailability of 2 drug products with pharmaceutical equivalence or pharmaceutical alternatives.

150 Setiawati

Med J Indones

Pharmaceutical equivalence is if both drug products contain the same amount of the same active substance in the same dosage forms. Pharmaceutical alternatives if both drug products contain the same amount of active moiety but differ in the chemical form (salt, ester, etc.) or in the dosage from (tablet, capsule, etc.) Therapeutic equivalence (TE) is equivalent therapeutic effect of 2 drug

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