The Importance of Obeying Traffic Laws
Traffic laws are designed to protect you and other drivers on the road. If we do not follow them we are not only putting ourselves at risk but also innocent bystanders and drivers. By knowing the rules of the road, practicing good driving skills and generally taking care as a road user, you help play a vital role in preventing a crash. You will also be making road safety policies more effective. Many factors play a role in road safety including following the speed limits that are posted and making sure safety equipment is properly installed and used. I will also discuss the skills that are expected and needed to be an efficient driver including the ability to act responsibly, the ability to
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Basically the higher the speed of a vehicle, the more difficult collision avoidance becomes and the greater the damage if a collision does occur.
Speeding is defined as the act or an instance of driving, especially a motor vehicle, faster than is allowed by law. Speeding is often one component of aggressive driving which is defined as committing a combination of moving traffic offenses so as to endanger other persons or property. There are strong direct relationships between the speed at which we drive and the risk of crash involvement and the injuries sustained if a crash results. The probability of injury and the severity of those injuries increases exponentially with vehicle speed. Even small increases in speeds result in a large increase in the forces experienced by the vehicle occupants or other road users. Put simply, the faster you drive, the harder you hit and the more severe the injuries you or someone else are likely to suffer. Traveling over the speed limit can be especially dangerous in bad weather conditions. Speeding was a factor in 53 percent of fatal crashes that occurred when there was snow or slush on
This shows that people like to go fast and risk getting into a car crash because they don’t care if they die. Additionally, on page 61, Mildred says to Montag, “I always like to drive fast when I feel that way. You get it up around 95 and you feel wonderful.” This means it’s very common for people to drive fast because they simply don’t care about what could happen to them or others
No matter the situation there is no reason for someone to be speeding. Only in emergencies and you should have on your emergency lights to avoid trouble. Many people forget what they are doing, however that should never happen. When you are driving you should always be aware of your surroundings and you should be alert at all times and ready for anything to happen. In order to do this you need to be going at an appropriate speed and be prepared to stop for anything that may occur to you or any others while driving. I have learned in this experience that speeding is not something that you should take lightly and worry about it when you actually get caught or when something awful happens. It is not worth losing your license, money, or even someone’s life. There is no excuse for speeding and it is no one’s fault except your own. I am very disappointed in myself because I have been raised to follow the rules and always do the right thing no matter the consequences, and I was taught to always drive safe and do not drive faster than I need to. I never need to drive fast because nothing is more important than the lives of
Impatience: Impatience can cause collisions because people are rushing or just don’t want to way therefore they ignore traffic laws and drive much more aggressively this sort of driving is much more dangerous on country roads because people can cross into the other lane to pass and get in a head-on collision and possibly kill the other driver as well as themselves. I have seen at least one collision caused by this sort of driving near my cottage because one drive went to pass in the opposite lane without the appropriate amount of space there for killing themselves in the collision. This sort of driving can be minimized by leaving early enough to get there even if there is traffic or other slowdowns and if you are getting frustrated pull over to a gas station or something and get out to take a little walk.
Obviously even five miles per hour over the speed limit is still speeding, but what would
Speeding takes a huge role in many teen crashes that result in fatalities. Going faster than the posted speed limit on a road, means that you are increasing your chances of crashing exponentially. In 2012, 21 % of serious teen crashes were a direct result of going too fast for the road. By going over the speed limit you are not only going too fast for the given roads conditions but you are also increasing the amount of time you will need to stop your vehicle in the event of an obstacle in the road.
If you were to ask a medical doctor that question, I’m sure the answer would be yes. The higher the speed a vehicle is traveling at, the more damage its energy may cause. According to LLLL, The medical community has been trying to lower the frequency and severity of crashes for years. Dr. Haddon, and others in his field, says that speed is a two-pronged aggravator of human harm on roads. “The higher a vehicle's travel speed, the greater its likelihood of becoming involved in a crash; the higher the impact speed when a crash occurs, the more severe the injuries”. The medical community isn’t the only group of professionals that stand behind lower speed limits on our highways. There are several other groups that want speeds lowered for reasons that have less to do with our safety.
“Racial differences in speeding patterns: Exploring the differential offending hypothesis” was written by researchers Rob Tillyer and Robin S. Engel. The purpose of their study was to observe the speeding tendencies of blacks compared to the speeding tendencies of whites in urban areas. Prior to this study research had only looked at speeding tendencies of whites and blacks on highways. The study does not mention an original hypothesis of what they expect their results to be. Instead the article lists two questions that their study plans to answer. Tillyer and Engel (2012) ask “First, do Black drivers violate the posted speed limit with greater frequency compared to White drivers? Second, within the pool of observed speeders, do Black drivers speed at higher rates of speed com- pared to White drivers?”(p. 289). This information was clearly stated and readily available in the journal article.
Never use a cell phone while driving, texting while driving makes you take your eyes off the road and you could switch lanes and not even know it until you hit another car. You should never drink and drive. If a car is wanting to pass you then let it pass you, do not try to speed up because that can cause danger to you and other cars around you. Headlights are another part of road safety. Headlights should be used when the weather is bad, because dense fog, heavy snow, or heavy rain can prevent you from seeing where you are going and others from seeing your car. Headlights at night are also invaluable because other cars can tell where you are. Always adjust your mirrors so that you can see everything around you. Never pass a car in a no passing zone, the lines are there for a reason. Do not swerve around the road back and forth to miss potholes because, a police man may think you are a drunk driver and will pull you over. Never pass a school bus, even it is in motion it is still against the law to pass a school bus. Check your blind side before switching in to a different lane and then turn on your turn signal if nothing is coming. When passing a semi truck, make sure to leave enough room before you get in
Drivers can practice several safety tips to help them navigate the road more safely. First, use your cell phone for emergency situations only. Pull over to the right shoulder to make the important call. Next, limit the number of passengers in the car. It is a good idea after a football game for a group of teenagers to drive around town texting and driving. Driving with friends can create a dangerous driving situation because drivers are focused on their friends rather than on the road. Finally, avoid eating while driving. Food spills are a major cause of distraction. Pick up a big Mac and fries on your way home and eat it while you navigate the heavy traffic. Finding the extra fries in the bottom of the bag will taste good as you rear end the car stopping suddenly in front of you.
Not only is speeding against the law and dangerous to other, but it is also very hard on your transmission. When you are speeding your transmission is working double time in order to provide so much power to your wheels. There is a difference in speeding and doing high speeds on the highway. When you are on the highway you stay at a steady speed without excessive accelerating. When you sand speeding in and out of traffic you never know when you will have to slow down and speed up. this causes your transmission to work more than necessary and can shorten the transmission's life span.
New upcoming teen drivers have a problem with speeding. Speeding is very common today in teen driving. Majority of teens car crashes are from teens speeding during bad weather conditions or just driving too fast period. A teenager loses control of the vehicle when they are speeding and they can end up hurting themselves or another driver on the road. Speeding limits you with a distance from having an accident or collision. Teenagers will speed if they have someone they are trying to impress.
At the same time, they are the least able to cope with hazardous situations that arise unexpectedly" (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 2014). Again, it is apparent the blatant disregard of traffic laws directly correlates to teen deaths in vehicle crashes. Teens underestimate how speeding actually impedes their reaction time when placed in precarious driving situations. Contributing factors such as wet roads or uneven pavement necessitates that drivers slow down. Unfortunately, speeding causes them to overcompensate resulting in many one-vehicle accidents resulting in death. Learning to understand the reasons why one should obey traffic laws begins at home through observation of adults. However, academic settings such as driver's education classes are the optimum place for these lessons because their structure provides in-depth training.
"I try to get where I am going as fast as I can." Speeding-related deaths nationwide account for nearly a third of all traffic fatalities each year, taking close to 10,000 lives. Many drivers feel as if the are too rushed to make it to their destination and spend less time on the road. Many drivers feel as if everybody should follow the speed limits posted on roads and highways. There are many contributing factors to why people speed.
There are speed limits for a reason. It is to keep people safe so that everyone can travel the roads safely. Without speed limits there would be chaos everywhere. There would be more wrecks and more fatalities with speed limits not enforced. The roads wouldn't be safe to drive for anyone especially the elderly and new drivers.
While the rules are easy to break, and the motorist is often the one held responsible, it is still important that all who use the road are aware of the laws and the consequences for breaking them.