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Thabang Rakau Grde 8 History Assessment Task
Thabang Rakau Grde 8 History Assessment Task
Importance of the Constitution Hill in South Africa
It is important for our youth of today in South Africa to know what our great leaders and ordinary people of our country went through for us to gain freedom and equal rights in this country
Its shows us the conditions that people were treated for unfair equality, judgment and misconduct that the past government had put in place.
The constitution hill also briefly illustrates what South Africa’s past was like as there was apartheid and non-whites had no rights.
It is important for our history and what
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It holds a brief description of South Africa’s past and the huge amount of changes that the whole of South Africa went through leading to the present
It teaches our youth about our democracy and about our human rights that we possess and must protect
It gives us children knowledge on how people were treated then and now and that we should be grateful on the privileges that we have and that we live in a country where there is no more inequality and racism.
It gives us the feeling and a sense of freedom compared to as back before 1994.
It is also a great place for tourists to see and for other people that are not South Africans to know about our history, our present how we lived and what we are planning to do in the future.
It is a great way to show our political history
The constitutional hill also consists of the constitutional court which is the main constitution court in South Africa which is a great place to deal with things involving the constitution and people’s rights.
It showes a great amount of heritage of south africa
Does the constitution hill show diversity in the population of South africa ?
Yes the constitution hill does show diversity as there were peple of all races and religion that were kept in the constitutional hill and there were also women that were imprisoned
But although there was diversity in the constitution hill due to the enequality between whites and non whites and racism, the non
2. It teaches how to read the world by showing a different view, not only about the past, but abhor
Chapter four will examine reasons of why teaching history and controversial, sensitive topics to young elementary students is important and those topics, such as racism, affect young children. It will also examine both the negative and positive effects and influences history can have on a young child's mind and their cultural way of thinking.
It makes us dream of a new beginning. It helps us realize that there is still beauty in the world; even if from the perspective that you see it from, it appears horrible. In document B, Syvia is hiding behind a tree scared of being seen or caught by Germans. Suddenly, she sees a pear “Its skin is yellow green, ripe.” At that moment, she states that “there are no Germans, no worries.”
It is first very important to understand deep history of Apartheid to actually understand the story of The Island and the messages it sends. The beginning of Apartheid marked a big turning point in South African history. In the beginning,
It convinces the common people of the importance of life and makes them aware of the consequences that come from small and simple choices they make every day.
Segregation been a social evil was not only affecting the once who had the ability to know and make decisions but also the young and innocent as depicted by the picture.
This allows us to put the present in a better perspective and seeing that things we normally complain about really are not so bad in reference to what people have dealt with in the past.
It encourages an understanding of geography and the people who live within different countries across the world. Human geography could have been used in 2006 when Joe Biden tried to make the Shiites and Sunnis get along well enough to equally govern Iraq. Had the United States government looked further into the long standing tensions and hatred between the Shiites and Sunnis, it would have been glaringly obvious that expecting two enemies to cooperate in an already unstable environment would be nearly impossible. In the article “Latinos in the United States” the author talks about discrimination against Latinos within mostly southern states, especially Texas, but also throughout the US. These discriminations are made based off of the understanding that all Mexican citizens illegally crossed the border and are now “stealing jobs”. With the help of human geography people would be able to understand that there is a major -legal- migration pattern stemming from Mexico and going into the United States. This leads to major cities and the break basket region in particular in order to take jobs that native born Americans would not take. Finally, many marches and social media protests have been held against Monsanto, the leader in genetically modified foods. If people were to know that Monsanto came about because farmers were struggling to feed a growing population and that without the Green Revolution the
It increases the diversity and expands the culture of the country. No country in the world has the diversity of race, religion, language, and culture. America is called the great "melting pot" because we bring together all sorts of people around the world. Diversity brings more tolerance for people that are, on the surface, different than us. It introduces new ideas, new
I have always thought that Nelson Mandela has been one of the most important people in history. I find it very fascinating that one man could end the Apartheid and that is why I want to find out more about this. South Africa is a country with a past of enforced racism and separation of its multi-racial community. The White Europeans invaded South Africa and started a political system known as 'Apartheid' (meaning 'apartness'). This system severely restricted the rights and lifestyle of the non-White inhabitants of the country forcing them to live separately from the White Europeans. I have chosen to investigate how the Apartheid affected people’s lives, and also how and why the Apartheid system rose and fell in South Africa.
Also, the main diversity issue was that of someone being from the poor side of town. The bias opinions were that they were uneducated, hateful, disrespectful, and did not care about life the same as others. Throughout the time in the deliberation room, these bias seem to be overcome. One of the jurors was an example that you can make it from that side of town alright. By the end of the movie, the bias was broke down.
Thesis Statement: Apartheid may have been a horrible era in South African history, but only so because the whites were forced to take action against the outrageous and threatening deeds of the blacks in order to sustain their power.
Social cohesion- there can be social interaction between different cultures in the community. Also you can get to know people in your neighbourhood and it allows people from different generations to mix and understand the other generations and how they live/lived.
The apartheid of South Africa was a time of constant fear and unknown and tested faith in the people who it continuously impacted.
Oppression is at the root of many of the most serious, enduring conflicts in the world today. Racial and religious conflicts; conflicts between dictatorial governments and their citizens; the battle between the sexes; conflicts between management and labor; and conflicts between heterosexuals and homosexuals all stem, in whole or in part, to oppression. It’s similar to an article in south africa that people have with racial segregation between black and white . Many people need to know that indiviual have their own rights in laws and freedom . Everyone should have an equal rights and better community . A black person would be of or accepted as a member of an African tribe or race, and a colored person is one that is not black or white. The Department of Home Affairs (a government bureau) was responsible for the classification of the citizenry. Non-compliance with the race laws were dealt with harshly. All blacks were required to carry ``pass books ' ' containing fingerprints, photo and information on access to non-black areas. The apartheid in South Africa which was in effect from 1948 until 1994 was not only a racist policy which greatly affected the quality of life of minorities in the country for the worse but was a outright crime against humanity. It include with civil right that violence verses non-violence that the government could or