
Important Clinical Issues Of The Family Conflict

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Important Clinical Issues
Avery, Tova and Travis all show stress as a result of the family conflict. I listen, validate and support Avery’s experience, and normalize her sense of alienation as a natural outcome of the discrepancy between her upbringing and her racial heritage. I applaud her strength and steps toward “reculturation,” defined by Baden et al. (2012) as the reclamation of one’s birth culture that serves to alleviate the dissonance felt by many transracially adopted individuals (p. 388). Although Avery is considered to be the client of interest, I believe it would be beneficial to invite Tova and Travis to join their daughter in counseling. My hope is that Avery will find the space within herself to embrace her unique multicultural identity.
Potential Countertransference
As a multicultural counselor, I want to learn about the different worldviews of my clients and understand my own reactions (Sue & Sue, 2012, p. 6). I understand the advantages I have as a White person, and that many systems I take for granted are often closed or dangerous to people of color (p. 12). People of color experience racism on a regular basis as part of our culture, and so I assume that in any clinical case involving a client of color, racism is at least part of the story (Kivel, 2002, p. 551). In my work with Avery, I might feel attacked by her expression of anger or outrage over her conflicted status. My focus will be to set my feelings aside and validate her feelings of injustice,

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