
Essay about Improv is a Labor of Love in the Theater

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Improv was always an intimidating faction of theater. Though there is no planning or scripting, no matter when or where the show was it always seemed a labor of love. Something that was worked on for an extreme length of time but really it was formed from the performer's mind only a second before the audience saw it. Even though I have done theater and dance in the past, improv always seemed something that I was never good at. From watching performances, tv programs, or improv workshops, it always looked like an art form that I could never learn or use besides the stage. With last week's class, that all seemed to change. I saw that improv could be used in many different factions of life. Providing new life skills and practices that cam …show more content…

Hayden posses creativity traits that I feel I posses as well. Sensitivity is the first one which allows for Hayden to take the pulse of his audience. By using sensitivity, he can learn how is audience is feeling. When Hayden first starting speaking, he started by being serious and working humor slowly into his speech. By doing this he could see how open or sensitive his audience was not only to him but to comedy. Being in a classroom setting a certain type of humor is appropriate but when dealing with a class that is full of his peers, Hayden had to figure out which one was better and he found it through sensitivity. I need to use sensitivity when I present my findings to clients, colleagues or even future employers. Being a history major and wanting to work in a museum setting, I must have sensitivity towards the people I speak with about history. Topics, people and certain events may be off the table depending on who you speaking too. This trait will always me to teach and be respectful to those I interact with. The next creativity trait is flexibility.
Hayden used flexibility not only in comedy improv but when he presented. There were times when his presentation went offtrack but he found a way to tie it back all together and still get his message across. Flexibility is also something I possess since for my career I need to stay on my toes being ready for the different questions I

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