This is an area in which Officer Moore has greatly improved. He writes more detailed, informative reports. He keeps his supervisors and coworkers apprised of his current calls for service or cases he is investigating. Effectively disseminating and passing on pertinent information to the appropriate parties.
SGT Lucier demonstrated precision and professionalism as a team member of the Funeral Honors firing team. His sterling example, fostered a sense of teamwork, loyalty, and initiative in his subordinates while serving on the Headquarter and Headquarter Battalion Funeral Honors detail. He represented the Department of Defense and the United States Army with pride while rendering full military honors to peacetime and wartime veterans in the State of Texas.
Referred Officer Evaluation Report: The rater comments on the SM OER states that the SM requires oversight of her critical reasoning and decision making skills in order to succeed. The senior rater comments reflect that the SM needs to further grow her dicision making capabilities. The SM provided written comments to refute the OER and provided developmental counseling dates that she and her rater reviewed together. In the remarks the SM states that the rater failed to provide details of the specific events pertaining to her decision making skills. There is no evidence of any actions taken at command level present in the information provided by screening agencies.
Officer Brookins has been involved in several aspects of the department in addition to being a patrol officer. She is also a Terrorism Liaison Officer and attended the CIAC Annual Conference this year. She is a Hostage Negotiator with the SWAT team, a CIT member and Assistant CIT Coordinator, and also assists with the towed vehicle duties and is a Certified VIN Inspector. She has been approved to attend the NOTA Conference as a Negotiator in October 2016.
Officer Hawman also keeps himself up to date with case law and how it will affect his performance in enforcing laws. Officer Hawman regularly discusses legal issues with his peers and seeks clarification with the DA's Office if he needs greater clarification.
Significant Strengths: Recruit Arnold came to OPD with prior Law Enforcement experience. This showed from day one. Recruit Arnold started the training process with a positive attitude and continued with it though out the weeks of training he was with me. Recruit Arnold had prior experience with our computer system and needed very little help understanding the ins and outs of the day to day tasks associated with the computer. Recruit Arnold rarely had to ask questions in regards to the proper used of state laws and local city ordinances, he was able to determine the elements of the crime and made several solid arrests. Recruit Arnold while using social media he was able to investigate and locate suspects to two or three different case resulting
First off, thank you for your time reading and considering this letter. I am submitting this letter requesting to be considered for the Gulfport Police Department’s SWAT Sniper Team. I have been employed with The Gulfport Police Department from 04/11/2016 to 02/2017. I am currently assigned to the Patrol Division on squad one night’s. During my time on this shift, I have experienced great leadership from two of my supervisors that are currently serving on the Gulfport Police Department SWAT Team. Being under the leadership of these supervisors has helped me to see the pride and professionalism there is in the members that are serving on The Gulfport Police Department’s SWAT Team. After seeing this, I would love to have the opportunity to
I will use my organization, the Knoxville Police Department, for this exercise and analyze how it selects, gathers, analyzes, manages and improves its data, information and knowledge assets for homeland security. Fisher (2015) said that a good leader is one who gets involved in homeland security and other important issues themselves without outsourcing or passing the task to someone lower. Chief David Rausch, of the Knoxville Police Department, is that type of leader. He cares very much about the community and homeland security and has made sure his agency is being proactive with information gathering, analyzing, and sharing.
Officer Ketelsleger reports are well written, they articulate the facts effectively to the reader. Rarely does his reports need corrections.
Officer Griffith continues to grow as an officer. In the past year he has grown his knowledge base through his continued, on the job learning and by taking on new challenges within the department. If Officer Griffith is unsure of a problem he will seek out an answer by researching it and by speaking with his peers and supervisors in finding a solution.
Computerized communication within law enforcement has and will continue to improve law enforcement as the technology is implemented and utilized within these agencies. The utilization of such devices as mobile data terminals (MDT’s) has given the average patrol officer access to enormous amounts of information. Even in 1979, Computer and technology were said to “have the potential to aid in criminal justice activities through the rapid communication of accurate and complete information, and perhaps a more rational approach to decision-making” (Colton, 1979. P.19). Now in 2014, the computers and
Corporal Walker's reports are turned in on time, they are well written and they contain all relevant information. His reports accurately document and assist in prosecution of crimes. Corporal Walker gave a presentation to command staff concerning car assignments and a proposal for a key board to help keep track of vehicle keys. His ideas were well received and both were implemented.
officer are guided in their decision-making by policy, training, intelligence information, and more. On a
Communication: Officer Nelson communicates well with his clients during interviews. He projects a calming effect to help them feel at ease. He produces written casework through RFEs and denial type decisions. Although, he has improved from the previous rating year, Officer Nelson needs to review decisions and other casework
This is a friendly reminder, COL Stewart has requested an official order from ARCENT IOT direct ASG to execute the MOU for the BPC warehouse.
Line-level law enforcement officers, investigators supervisors, and police executives are more educated and sophisticated with technology in their arsenal to enhance job performance. Despite having better education, training, equipment, access to specialized resources, and information, law enforcement agencies struggle with sharing power with their workforce. The result of this failure to modernize leaves law enforcement officers going through the motions and working at less than maximum efficiency.