How often do I spend time writing? I spend very little time writing because I lack interest in and would rather text or call when communicating with others. Personally, I probably write only a few times a week which consists of writing notes to my parents if need be. I make use of the technology in which I am given since it’s available and reliable for me to use rather than writing notes. Technology and texting has ruined my writing style and ability to write in a professional manner since I use slang and abbreviations almost every day. My plan and goal is to learn how to properly write at a college level by the end of this semester. When and what do I write? I write very little, but when I do it’s usually a note to my father telling him what my plans are for the day or something relatively close to the realm of that. The only other time I will both writing is when I’m assigned a task or taking notes here at Rochester Community and Technical College. Writing has helped me in many ways and I look forward to bettering my writing skills with your guidance. …show more content…
When I am assigned an essay, I must be in an isolated environment to be able to write at my full potential since I get distracted easily. I write best when I am anxiety free and am getting good grades in other courses. I am a very worrisome individual that lets small things get to me. It usually takes between eight to ten hours for me to write an affective and worthy essay that is free of errors and nonsense. Writing comes fairly easy for me, but like I said earlier, I'm a very energetic and loopy person that can't sit at a desktop for long periods of time without getting irritated and uptight over
My entire life, reading and writing have always been my weaknesses. Coming from a Hispanic household, the way things are said and written does not usually translate the same way to English. As much as I have always tried to push myself and keep improving, I feel like I have reached a point where I need a small push and guidance to take my writing to the next level. From my high school, I learned a lot of writing technics and have some small grammar lectures every now and then. Writing my research papers, preparing speeches, and all the college essays have given me lots of practice with different writing styles and methods. Yet, I still have not found one that I feel the most confident in. This semester, I truly wish to improve the transitions
Regarding the writing log that I completed last week, I was very impressed with the amount of writing that I did within seven days. I felt very accomplished; as this was, the first time that I feel had worked on writing in a context that was not related to my schoolwork in quite some time. On the subject of Silvia’s writing log example, scheduling I believe contributed to my success when writing last week. Creating a schedule encouraged me to write, as I would place my writing time every day after I got home from work. Setting my daily writing time after work helped me clear my mind after a busy day and unwind by working on a presentation or article for a local magazine in the area I live. By keeping a log similar to Silvia’s, has enabled me to keep a daily track of my word count. This record helped me not only to set word goals, but it also aided me in setting some hours that I would write a day.
This semester I was surprised by how much I actually learned and developed my writing skills. I was given the opportunity to learn the many steps that it is required to become a good writer. Writing requires a lot of work. It consists of various steps; prewriting, drafting, rewriting, proofreading and publishing. . All of these components are extremely important, and necessary, and will need to be follow to improve student’s writing.
I am in the same boat with you when it comes to writing skills. I know I wasn’t born with it at all but I try every day to better my writing skills. It has been difficult trying to not write how I talk. When I carry on a conversation it sounds normal and correct but when you put it on paper it doesn’t quite make me look to intelligent. I also agree with you about passing on the ten tips for anyone that does any amount of writing.
Writing is an essential part of learning and is a skill that we all have to master over time, especially throughout our years dedicated to school. As a writer I feel comfortable in my ability to write and express my feelings over a topic. Even though I feel this way, I know there are several things I need to improve before I can be completely satisfied with my writings. This year I feel I will be able to accomplish this goal. In order to do this I will write about many different topics and use many different forms of writing. In the past I have written lots of pieces involving various stories, recollections, and reports. Through these experiences I have been able to develop a basic understanding of a few different types of writing styles, vocabulary and the many tones you can use to set the mood. By learning these things and reading the works of other authors, I have been able to expand my vocabulary and make the overall process of writing much easier to perform at a high level. Even though all of these things have helped me greatly, I still have a lot of things to learn in order to improve my writing.
I have had little experience with both academic and professional writing in my life. In high school, I had received mediocre passing grades in English classes. My professional writing consists of a few emails to colleagues throughout the day as well as disseminating information to my subordinates on a dry-erase board during pre-shift meetings. However, as I continue my education, I am beginning to see my confidence increase as my relationship with writing grows.
Time went on, I stopped writing everyday and just wrote the days I was upset or couldn’t sleep. There was a point in time when I would wake up having really weird dreams, so I started writing them down; furthermore, to try and help figure them out. In addition to, three years ago I started writing to myself a year from whatever date that would be on. Focusing on how I pictured my life a year from then, or what I wanted to have accomplished by then. I wrote those letters for emotional release and to have something to look forward to reading in the future. The major issue I assume that I have with writing actual papers is that, I’m so used to writing a journal, therefore it’s hard adjusting to new ways.
Being in Professor Chambers’ class has definitely taught me a lot. Coming into this class, I was more than sure I knew everything I needed to know about writing; plus I had always deemed myself as a wonderful writer. Her lessons challenged me to think outside of the box. The most helpful lessons for me would be the correct usage of commas and semicolons and to make scratch outlines before jumping into writing my papers. Also the helpful websites such as and also helped me during this unit and I will continue to use them in units to come. There is a lot more to writing than just throwing a couple sentences together, and being in this class taught me that.
Learning to be an adequate writer is something I strive for but don’t feel I have yet accomplished. In the past, I can remember spending countless hours sitting and thinking what I should write about. I think my biggest problem is figuring out how to actually put on paper what I am thinking. I am also concerned that the paper I write will not fully express what I am actually trying to say. I have found that if I am in a situation where I have to think of something on the spot or I am timed, I feel very overwhelmed and freeze up. However, I feel one of my strengths would be that I feel fairly comfortable with the rules of grammar and I enjoy that part of English. I can remember in high school I always did really well on my grammar test
The importance of writing at a college level is essential to communicate effectively without speaking.
It’s less than a year since my family and I migrated here in Canada and I have gone through all sorts of things already. I started attending school 2 weeks after arriving from the Philippines and the school is already halfway through the semester. I had a lot of catching up to do but it is not that hard since I already learned the lessons before. Everything went well until the new academic year started. I thought I already know a lot about the lesson but then I realized I only very little.
The most writing I do is in college. In college I write papers to show my instructors what I understand about a topic or learn more about a topic. At home and work I use writing to send emails and write letters. Last semester, I typed a research paper called Children Shouldn’t Drink Too Much Soda, it was an interesting topic to learn about. From the research paper I learned that I should pay close attention to where commas go.
I have been doing Daily Writing for about ten months now. I started writing from the first day I stepped into my ERWC class. The Daily Writing Activity is when the teacher writes a famous quote on the board and the class then has to reflect on quote in our own words. When I first started it was fairly easy but as the school year went on, we were assigned to add more steps to our writing. At first I felt panicked because I thought I wasn’t going to be able to write fluently but eventually it just became something natural to me.
Writing is difficult. It is difficult to begin, difficult to stop and difficult to plan. However, it is surprisingly satisfying to create something that is entirely your own, made from your mind and a topic. Or at least this how I, as a eighteen year old college student, perceive the act of writing. I don’t write all that much outside of class or for a specific task, but when I do write something, I must force myself to start but after that it’s hard to find a good place to stop. The way I write is constantly evolving as I find new ways to express myself and reading articles informing me the best way to make a cohesive essay. As such,
Writing has always been something I dread. It’s weird because I love talking and telling stories, but the moment I have to write it all down on paper, I become frantic. It’s almost as if a horse race just begun in my mind, with hundreds of horses, or words, running through my mind, unable to place them in chronological order. Because I struggle to form satisfying sentence structure, it takes me hours, sometimes even days, to write one paper. It’s not that I think I’m a “bad writer,” I just get discouraged easily. Needless to say, I don’t think highly of my writing skills. When I was little I loved to both read and write. I read just about any book I could get my hands on, and my journal was my go to for my daily adventures. Although it’s