
Improving Patient Throughput Essay

Decent Essays

Improving the Patient Throughput of Cooper Hospital In 1986, the Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act
(EMTALA). This ensures the public that they will be able to receive emergency medical treatment despite their inability to pay. If it is found, during a patient’s medical screening examination that a patient has an emergency medical condition, the hospital is then required to provide treatment. If a hospital is unable to stabilize a patient with in it’s capacity, an appropriate transfer should be implemented (Emergency, 2012). The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act effects Cooper Hospital and overcrowding of it’s emergency department. Cooper is an inner city hospital where most of its residents and patients fall into the low income population. Individuals are unable to pay for or can’t afford health care. Therefore, they do not have primary physicians to refer to. This causes people to utilize the emergency department as their doctors office. Ultimately, this arises a concern for overcrowding of Cooper’s emergency department. Overcrowding of emergency departments across the United States has the potential to become a debilitating situation. Overcrowding arose as a phenomenon in the 80s and has now reemerged as a nation wide issue. As you walk through …show more content…

Organizational culture in the health care organizations has gained increased consideration as an important factor that influences the quality of health care (Brazil et al., 2010). Currently, at Cooper Hospital, hierarchal culture is present. Rules and regulations emphasize stability and management is recognized for supporting order. While this has been successful thus far, it is important for this organization to begin to support the organizational culture of development. This will help promote the changes that are needed to support the issue of patient throughput by promoting innovation and risk

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