Thank you for your post. I understand that the health policy you are discussing is about the need to improve quality care. In addition to what you have mentioned. I think one of the area that quality care can be improve is by proactive involve patient in decision making or opinion about the care and type of treatment they are receiving. When patients are involved in their health care there will be no communicating gap between patient and their provides.
The American Health Care system needs to be constantly improved to keep up with the demands of America’s health care system. In order for the American Health Care system to improve policies must be constantly reviewed. Congress still plays a powerful role in public policy making (Morone, Litman, & Robins, 2008). A health care policy is put in place to reach a desired health outcome, which may have a meaningful effect on people. People in position of authority advocates for a new policy for the group they have special interest in helping. The Health care system is formed by the health care policy making process (Abood, 2007). There are public, institutional, and business policies related to health care developed by hospitals, accrediting organizations, or managed care organizations (Abood, 2007). A policy is implemented to improve the health among people in the United States. Some policies
The main objective of healthcare professionals is to provide the best quality of patient care and the highest level of patient safety. To achieve that objective, there are many organizations that help improve the quality of care. One of the best examples is the Joint Commission. Unfortunately, the healthcare system is not free from total risks. In healthcare activities, there are possible errors, mistakes, near miss and adverse events. All of those negative events are preventable. But, it is clear that errors caused in healthcare result in thousands of deaths in the United States.
The Institute of Medicine of 2001, states numerous areas where healthcare is failing patients, stating delivery of care is often overly complex and uncoordinated, leading to a slowdown in care rather than improved efficiency in regards to patient safety (Institute of Medicine, 2001). To account for the incommodious system, the Institute of Medicine discusses in a health policy review released titled Crossing the Quality Chasm: A new Health System for the 21st Century. six aims for improvement of quality. The six aims for improvement are built around the core of healthcare to be built around safety, effectiveness, timeliness, efficiency, equitable and patient centeredness (Institute of Medicine, 2001). A healthcare system that achieves gains in these areas would be better off at meeting patient needs according to the Crossing the Quality Chasm review.
Health policy reflects the decisions, plans, and actions that are implemented to achieve specific health care goals within a society and community. “An explicit health policy can achieve several things: it defines a vision for the future which in turn helps to establish targets and points of reference for the short and medium term” (Boufford, 1990). The purpose of healthcare policy and procedures is to ensure there is a standard of healthcare available. The purpose of healthcare policy and procedures is to communicate to employees the desired outcomes of the organization (Boufford, 1990). Policies are implemented to ensure the employees/ clients understand the standard procedure for the healthcare that is available. The three main points include 1) should states and government make decisions in
Even at this day and age, African Americans aren’t taking pride in the fact that we have the right to vote now. For example, racial minorities, especially black Americans, played a pivotal role in Barack Obama’s 2008 and 2012 presidential wins. Skip forward to this year’s election of Clinton and Trump. The Census Bureau confirmed what most of us already knew, that both minority and black voter turnout took a decided downturn in last November’s elections. We did not always have a choice or even a say so in most matters, if any. Now we have a voice in the say in how things were governed and now that we do, I would hope to see all African Americans jumping at the chance to be a part of the decision making.
Quality Improvement can be defined as the combined effort of health care professionals including, doctors, nurses, healthcare managers who ensure better patients outcome such as quality care, safety, better system performance and better professional development. Healthcare system always goes through changes, whether its implementation of new systems or diagnosis of new disease. Therefore, health organizations are always in need of some improvement and advancement. In order to achieve improvement, systems have to go through a series of change; however, not all changes can be called an improvement. To ensure the improvement in these systems, some powerful strategies are planned, designed and implemented. These formal strategies analyze the systemic efforts and measure performance in order to improve the entire system and is called quality improvement or QI program.
The increasing numbers of vulnerable adults in the United Kingdom has been accompanied several care challenges and policy makers caught their attention to do their part and come up with legislations to combat or overcome these challenges. Giving support and providing care for an individual in their last stage or end of life is a difficult thing to do. End of life care aims to put the person at the centre of the caring process, they should be involved in every decision to make when it comes to their personal care, maintain and enhance quality of life for the person involve and family if possible and provide bereavement support for families and carers after someone passed away. In lieu to this, this will not be possible if not being back up by legislation to oversee that quality care is delivered at the highest possible.
Quality improvement in health care has been and will continue to be a beneficial process in helping with many problems faced in healthcare. According to U.S Department of Health and Human Services (2011) “quality improvement consists of systematic and continuous actions that lead to measurable improvement in health care services and the health status of targeted patient groups” (p.1). These systematic and continuous actions have indeed led to many health care improvements throughout the years including reductions in infection rates, medication errors, and health care costs. One major current concern in the health care field is the presence of catheter associated bloodstream infections (CABSI’s). Provonost, Marsteller, and Goeschel (2011)
Policy is needed to support the role of health legislation and is seen as being fundamental to improving the
The phrase “social construction” is difficult to define as it encompasses a multitude of elements, but despite that, conventionally, social construction shows ways society has conceptualised expectations and ideals which can be related to specific sociological interested areas, such as the body. Social action has been shown to have an effect on the transformation of a biological individual, although bodies appear to be simply natural - eye colour, body shape, size of feet etc - a deeper context reveals that many social situations and factors contribute to the construction of bodies. How are we to make sense of people’s bodies? Theoretical traditions which highlight socially constructed bodies have been put forward by theorists such as Elias, Foucault, Goffman and Bourdieu, however, an alternative strategy of viewing socially constructed bodies could be to link these apparently contrasting theories together. This essay will focus upon ways in which the body appears to be a social construction, paying particular detail on the length individuals endure to perform socially constructed ideals with reference to gender and class.
Every health professional has a duty of care to patients. Specifically, it is nurses who play an important role in quality and safe delivery of patient care. They have the major responsibility for the implementation of policies and procedures in an organisation. Thus, it is essential that all organisations support their staff from all levels of care to deliver the best service in every patient. In addition, every organization is required to offer unwavering encouragement and resources to support staff to perform their duty of care to the best of their ability. The high incidence of risk in the health care settings such as adverse events, near misses, errors, and other clinical incidents have created great concerns for healthcare organizations. Not only they have effects on patients, but also they have showed significant impact on socioeconomic status. For this reason, it is expected that all health care professionals will engage in all elements of risk management to ensure that there is delivery of quality and safe patient care. This paper will critically discuss three (3) episodes of care from the case study Health Care Complaints Commission [HCCC] v Jarrett [2013] Nursing and Midwifery Professional Standards Committee of New South Wales [NSWNMPSC] 3 in relation to Registered Nurse’s [RN] role as a leader in the health care team, application of clinical risk management [CRM] in health care domains, accountability in relation to clinical governance [CG], quality improvement
A number of quality improvement methods or models in health care exists, clinical practice improvement (CPI) methodology is one, and it is also known as clinical audit ( National Health Service,n.d.).CPI methodology is used by health care professionals to improve the quality and safety of health care. It is a proven method of quality improvement that gives staff a systematic way of looking at their practice and making improvements. This is done through a detailed examination of the processes and outcomes in clinical care. The most important question to ask when trying to improve the quality and safety of health care is, what is it that needs to be fixed or achieved. This can be done by developing a mission statement or objective that describes
Meaningful Use in the medical field describes the adaptation of health care in three stages and is based on things like improving quality and efficiency of patient care, engaging patients and family members in the patients’ health, and the improvement upon population and public health. Stage one, which began in 2010, focused on the use of Electronic Health Records. The second, which took root in late 2012, increased the implementation of patient education, participation, and care-coordination. The third and final stage, which will focus on “robust health information exchange” has yet to go into effect. Stage one of the Meaningful Use concept, which is mainly the production of an electronic patient file that can be easily accessed by other
Each and every one of us are in favor for quality, in healthcare to define quality is quite difficult. The Joint Commission had defined quality as; service delivered to patient care is achieved to the desired outcome without resulting in any unwanted outcomes. In simplified terms, quality is defined as having standards that are based on evidenced based practice integrated to current practice and knowledge (Kapoor, 2011). Over many decades, knowledge and experience is the strength of quality health care and it had been accumulate worldwide. In healthcare, high quality care is referred as care that is being delivered effectively and efficiently.
Hope this finds you doing well. Thank you for a well-delivered post. In your discussion, you specifically reference that “Maximizing quality care requires a culture of continuous improvement” (Shi, Singh, & Pratt, 2011, p. 165). This statement speaks volume in terms of effective delivery in care process. As both Acute and LTC have numerous similarities and differences, quality becomes incredibly important in addition to the human factor. Human factors refer to caregiver attitudes and practices that emphasize caring, compassion, and preservation of human dignity in the delivery of care (Shi et al., 2011). I strongly believe that while both facilities –Acute or LTC - have close similarities each was designed with specific objective