From viewing my results of the success profiler I improved in some of the areas and there are areas where I need to improve or that I am not so strong at. The two areas where I need to improve the most are personal interference, and self-stem. My two strong areas are commitment ethic, and change orientation. There are a few ways that I plan to improve my weaker areas, and I plan to maintain my high areas how they are.
There are many ways I plan to improve my personal interference. One of them is being more social, and not stay with the same group of people all the time. Another way is to be more open-minded about new people, and to get to know them before deciding if I want to accept them in my life. Last but not least is to not be so judgmental
When first taking the success profiler, I was astonished with the answers it showed me that I had. There was only one red category and five orange categories and it stunned me because I continued to think that these categories I scored negatively in were some of my best characteristics. Sales orientation was the one red category which basically means how good I am at selling myself to others. I wasn’t really good at this at the beginning of the year, but I have improved by changing my attitude to others The other orange categories I have also learned how to improve by taking the class to show me how
Breathing is deeper- Muscles start to work harder requiring more oxygen so you will start to breathe deeper making the lungs work harder and faster to allow more oxygen to be delivered to your muscles and carbon dioxide to be breathed out.
The 1970’s the United States signaled a pivotal shift for a “ just deserts,” philosophy to model their criminal justice system. With increase punishment for individuals, thousands of prisons were built in order to cope with the rising number of inmates. With the adoption of a punishment oriented philosophy, “ the war on drugs,” emerged as the nation’s solution to deter drug use and drug related crimes. Changes in the criminal justice system produce policy spillover into other branches like prisons, police, and even drug enforcement ; the “ war on drugs,” and stop and frisk are examples of this policy spillover. The crack epidemic in the 1980’s ( approximately 10 years after the start of the “ war on drugs,”) only further prompted politicians
This video confirmed my own beliefs about what a program evaluation is and how it should be conducted. It never made any sense to me how someone could evaluate a program or a business by only looking at data and the evidence that it provides. It was well said in the video, that respect for the voice of culture is important and the members of community are the experts.
Question: Does the increase of dairy or soy protein intake combined with resistance training enhance strength gains in older adults?
participation level impairments. The progress in AROM, muscle strength, dynamic balance, single leg power, and coordination all attributed to the patient’s ability to climb stairs without handrails reciprocally, ambulate on uneven terrain, jump, and run pain-free after five weeks of intervention.
In order to want to improve something in life that you struggle with, you must first acknowledge exactly what it is you would like to fix. For my performance area, the area in my life that is in need of a drastic change is time management. I have always been a huge procrastinator, and it has taken its toll on my life. Procrastination often leads to missed opportunities, poor performance, and increased levels of stress. A lot of people in this day and age, especially college students, struggle with time management. However, it is a very difficult subject to pinpoint, and accept that you have an issue with.
I am currently employed by North Greenville University. I am a Strength & Conditioning Coach for the athletic program. Strength & Conditioning and athletics as a whole are looked at as simply creating workouts and training the athletes according to those workout programs but there is a lot more that goes on beneath the surface that the average public eye does not see or even consider a part of the job. As a Strength & Conditioning professional, there are many tasks that you take on including but not limited to; training, inventory management, counseling, communicating with specific sports coaches, scheduling, cleaning, programming, etc. There are many different aspects to my current profession and it is not just simply training student-athletes.
There is a considerable misplaced and nearly always neglected concept that is just an important definite necessity with regard to any kind of weightlifting routine- either for physical fitness, muscle mass building, powerlifting, strength training or professional sports performance- which will certainly raise the actual intensity in addition to greatly enhance your gains without ever modifying a single facet of your present workout. A bit too often- sports athletes remain zeroed in entirely on exactly how much these individuals could possibly lift, more often than not minimizing top quality technique, and consequently more or less always omitting this amazing essential technique. That is considered markedly valid given that this specific weightlifting technique should be able to naturally humble individuals driven entirely on simply how much extra weight that they have the ability to lift.
“Strength surpasses the ability to exert maximum effort on an object, strength is our ability to exert consistent effort with discipline and diligence.” This is not a quote referenced from a related conference or article, this quote was developed through my own experience in the field as a student, athlete, coach.
In his New York Times article “Strength Training as a Family Affair,” Anahad O’Conner takes a step into the debate whether children should participate in strength training exercises. With being with New York Times since 2003 writing articles relating to science, health, and nation issues, O’Conner has a understanding of this ongoing topic. Doctors have “Warned” parents to keep their children out of the weight room, but “Why” he asks. In this op-ed article, O’Conner does what he does best, and develops reasoning’s on strength training exercises for children.
According to the strength finder assessment my results are as follows: Adaptability, Significance, Responsibility, Deliberative and Futuristic. I was not surprised by my results. I feel like I have incorporated these results in my daily professional life. Currently, I am an assistant manager for a bank. In my position, I have three direct reports that report to me and I manage the daily activities of the branch.
After successfully completing the Weekly Monitoring Tool and Weekly Action Plan for a full week, I have been able to identify my strengths and weaknesses. I can now look back and pinpoint what is helping and what is hindering my progress, what I should start doing or stop doing, and how I can improve.
Despite the fear of nuclear disasters and proliferation of nuclear weapons, the 435 nuclear power reactors around the world produce approximately 16 percent of the world’s electricity and 19 percent of electricity in the United States (WIT, 2013). In a world increasingly affected by global warming, with increasing energy consumption, it is important to acknowledge that nuclear power is a safe, clean, reliable, and sustainable source of energy, unlike our presumptions. This paper analyzes potential risks and benefits of nuclear power as a fuel source and why the United States should continue nuclear power production.
In the book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, Stephen R Covey writes about the seven habits that can change your life forever. As the title suggest, he does this by providing the reader with easy to remember statement that when explained, have a very deep meaning behind them. The Habit that this paper is going to focus on is habit 2. The paper will analyses this habit by explaining what it means, examples of people who lived with this mindset, what the authors personal experience is.