
Improving Workplace Observation

Decent Essays

My decade of observation skills in the domain of Human Resources suggests that it is statements like those mentioned above which become roadblocks in the thought process of any good performer.

The feedback sessions with managers often indicate improvement areas even for the best performers in aspects of personal mastery, communication, team management etc. These are provided as reasons for lack of growth in the garb of opportunities or motivation for further growth. At times there may be truth and merit in these, however most often they are diagnosed incorrectly.

The variables we discussed above are often diagnosed ineffectively or incorrectly because it comes from the judgment of a third person and not the subject involved. The solution also comes from the third party (leader, manager, training team, HR etc.).

For example, a HiPo employee who was subjected to various language improvement training interventions realized after years of self doubt that it is not language; it is the behavioral aspect of hesitation to be vocal about thoughts that was the key issue that was not being targeted. Another example could be the case where the manager kept focusing on improving the people management skills of an employee, whereas the core issue was the habit of procrastination which never got …show more content…

It is interesting to mention here that, High performers also show a stronger tendency to direct their own learning, which may be one of the ways to predict who will be a high performer. Hence, coaching creates a greater buy-in from the employee by having effective goal-directed conversations with a HiPo Coach, who is a partner to the Coachee and the organization in providing sustainable and real behavioral changes. This happens through a series of weekly or fort-nightly conversation meetings with the good

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