Goal: Decrease the frequency of impulsive behavior form 3 weekly to no more than 2 monthly.
Intervention: MHS met with the client to discuss issues the client’s teacher said she having with him in class. The MHS instructed the client to pay attention without getting distracted. MHS asked the client why he is having trouble paying attention; the client said he does pay attention in class. MHS discussed how the client needs to concentrate on one activity at a time and follow through on a task without needing to hear directions several times.
Observation/ Participation: The client was in an okay mood. He client informed the MHS that he has been behaving in school and at home, but the client’s teacher said the client behavior needs improves.
Intervention: Ms. Smalls (MHP), Santonias and Ms. Givens (MHS) discussed Santonias complying with the rules of the home. MHP and Santonias had a discussing about his NFL football team as a way to build rapport. MHP requests feedback on possible goals from Santonias and MHS for Individual Plan of Care. MHP, Santonias and MHS discuss and process an incident that happened at the school’s gym.
A, B) MSTT met with the caregiver to examine how she plans to increase the supervision and monitoring of the youth while out in public. Caregiver expressed while the youth is at home she is going to speak with her mother and his aunt to help while she's at work. MSTT encouraged caregiver to reach out to the school and ask them if they would be able to supervise and monitor him. Caregiver contacted the school and is waiting to hear a response. MSTT will continue to work with the caregiver in increasing the supervision
2. What should a therapist be aware of when taking note of a clients manner and content of talk?
Meet client at the clinic and worked on community outing. Hilario did a great job following instructions given by DI. Hilario enjoyed coloring pictures of horses printed by DI. Hilario need it echoic prompt, directive prompt, indirect verbal and model promot during the session to ask for a break and practice strategies to used when he is upset or frustrated. No tantrums presented during session.
Intervention: MHS reviewed the previous session. MHS discussed with client about her disrespectful behavior at school. The client’s teacher reported the client has not been doing her work and she has been being very disrespect to adults at school. MHS explained to the client that she will have to learn how to have respect adult at home and at school. MHS discussed listening and obeying and following the rules without any negative behaviors like talking back to teachers and school workers. MHS explained how people don't like to be around rude and disrespectful children and her behavior can be affecting her grades
Intervention: MHP request for a report of Samantha’s recent displayed behaviors. MHP, MHS and Samantha process displayed behaviors in the home and the outcomes. MHP and MHS listen to Samantha verbally express her emotions. MHP validate Samantha’s emotions about being in foster care and wanting to be with biological family.
Yuma did not respond well to the intervention. Yuma could not or did not want to explain what he has learned from the intervention. Yuma continues to have difficulty responding in sessions. Yuma is making minimal progress towards his goals. Yuma was provided verbal assistance during the session. Yuma was given chooses on how he can respond to the intervention. Yuma body language and his demean indicated that he did not want to participate in the session. Yuma responded by shaking his head, to indicate a yes to the question asked. Yuma was given examples of situation to choose from on how he may have used time-out during a conflict situation. Yuma was able to choose walking away and listening to music. Yuma was given choices of the answer to
Intervention: MHP taught Osvaldo skills to help express his feelings. MHP provided Osvaldo information on college admission requirements. MHP educated Osvaldo about the importance of exhibiting appropriate behavior at school and home. MHP taught Osvaldo alternative ways to deal with anger. MHP taught Osvaldo additional anger management skills. MHP demonstrated how Osvaldo could manage his frustration in a positive manner. MHP provided a worksheet on anger management. MHP taught techniques for Osvaldo to use to reduce anger and explosive
He showed an adequate effort to participate in the session. Rapport was established and adequately maintained throughout the duration of the session. Osvaldo stated that his day was going well. He informed the MHP that he enjoyed school. His foster mother reported that his behavior has improved since the last session. She stated that she was going to give him his phone back. Osvaldo seemed very excited about attending the football game. He informed the MHP that he did not get in trouble at school. His foster mother stated that he has been very helpful with the kids in the home. Osvaldo stated that he has been reflecting on his behavior over the last few days. He mentioned that he identified areas that need improvement. Osvaldo noted that his behavior has not be consistent. He expressed a desire to work on his behavior and attitude. Osvaldo expressed interest in learning additional techniques for anger management. He mentioned that he needs to do a better job expressing his feelings. He stated that his study habits could be better. His foster mother mentioned that he could spend more time in his books. Osvaldo stated that he will focus more on his studies.
Intervention: MHP discussed the importance of being responsible. MHP advised Charles to focus and pay attention in class. MHP recommended that Charles utilizes the study skills that were taught. MHP encouraged Charles to avoid confrontations with his peers. MHP discussed anger management techniques with Charles. MHP instructed Charles to always ask for help when he does not understand something. MHP advised Charles to continue applying the calming techniques when experiences feelings of anger or frustration. MHP provided positive reinforcements for improved academic performance and behavior.
FOCUS OF PRESENT SESSION: The family checked-in as being “okay” and their week was “good.” The family presented in a euthymic mood and it was congruent with affect. During this session, the client and her mother was asked to express to each other, their feeling and emotions of issues within the home as well as Denae’s behavior. The mother and youth decided on an issue, such as Denae being suspended from school. Each participant switched roles to obtain the other person perspective and feelings they were experiencing. Denae, whom role play her mother brought up issues regarding the child’s behavior. She reported that she understood why her parents punished her, which makes her more aware of what is expected of her. The youth’s mother, whom
S: My client appeared to be more confident and enthused about talking about goals and plans to save her marriage and reconnect with parents.
Therapist diverted from plans to meet with individual. Therapist and individual discussed attentive skills to increase attention span and on task behaviors. Therapist and individual engaged in “Memory” game that reinforced individual paying attention to details and concentrating by finding matching pairs. Therapist explained the importance of individual paying attention to details to stay on task and concentrate.
Invention: The client and the client did a check in from the last session. MHS asked the client to talk about a time she become angry this week. The client shared a story about her brother cursing her out and hitting her. MHS asked the client how did she react when her hit her and called her bad names. The client said she hit him back because her mother said not to let anyone put their hands on her. MHS used instruction and a worksheet form 101 ways to teach social skills to teach the client better ways to react when she becomes angry. The client and the MHS completed a worksheet entitled My Anger Button. MHS direct the client the
For many, symbolic representation gives freedom to open up emotionally as verbalisation can be challenging. Individuals have found that being creative gives them the opportunity to discover and move in new ways, which leads them to express themselves through the use of physicality. In doing so, it releases emotions that may have previously been hidden, making it easier to link the movement with the past memories (Batko, 2013). By connecting mind and body the creative process becomes a pathway for individuals’ to delve into their traumatic event finding symbolic meanings in impulsive movements. All of this happens as the underlying stress of the verbal communication has been diminished. Nevertheless, the ability to relay any account of a traumatic experience is a crucial part of overcoming the impact it causes.