
In Cold Blood And Truman Capote And In Cold Blood

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In Cold Blood, a nonfictional narrative explores a different side of four brutal murders in hopes to humanize the murderers while, on the other hand, the film, Capote, explores the creation of the story as well as Truman Capote’s relationships with the killers. Though the variants tell slightly different stories, they converge on certain stylistic elements such as contrast. From the cheerful shots of yellow, brightness, and loud ambiance, to somber, cold, framed shots of solemn feeling in Capote as well as substantial differences in the natures of the characters from In Cold Blood, both use contrast to express the purpose of the pieces and uncover point of view. A recurring theme of through Capote and In Cold Blood is the contrast of Perry’s nature, which constructs a more complex character with depth. Throughout the book, Perry displays two conflicting personalities. A majority of the time Perry is insecure, submissive, and childlike. His relationship with Dick highlights his insecurity and dependency, for example when he lies to Dick about killing a man to seem more intimidating. Because of his childhood traumas Perry often cries in his sleep, sucks his thumb, or even wets his bed, “Perry could be ‘such a kid,’ always wetting his bed and crying in his sleep (‘Dad, I been looking everywhere, where you been, Dad?’,” (Capote). This is touched on in the Capote movie when Truman Capote spoon feeds Perry baby food because he is so weak. Another way both adaptations add to

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