
In Defense Of Food Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto is an eye-opening analysis of the American food industry and the fear driven relationship many of us have with food. He talks in depth about all the little scientific studies, misconceptions and confusions that have gathered over the past fifty years. In the end provide us with a piece of advice that should be obvious but somehow is not, "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." He follows the history of nutritionism and the industrialization of food, in hopes to answer one question….. how and when "mom" ceded control of our food choices to nutritionists, food marketers and the government.
Pollan's history of U.S. government involvement with the food industry is pretty interesting and …show more content…

Of course, you think that the carbohydrates and starches go on the bottom, then fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat and poultry above that and finally at the top, saturated fats. I remember being quizzed on the pyramid in elementary school as well as having a health class with Mrs. Suplizio and having an entire unit on nutrition. We did not learn about what Pollan calls "whole foods," but more about nutrients. The teachers taught us to associate pasta and cereal with carbohydrates, milk and eggs with protein, oranges with vitamin C and cookies with fat. For many of us, these associations are now automatic. As Pollan points out, "Distinctions between entities as different as beef and chicken and fish have collapsed. These three venerable foods, each representing not just a different species but an entirely different taxonomic class, are now lumped together as mere delivery systems for a single …show more content…

He advises us to eat only things our grandmother would recognize. Foods without any unpronounceable ingredients or high fructose corn syrup. He tells us to stop eating on the go or in front of a television. Pollan also warns us to beware the dangers of reductionist science, especially when it is applied to food. It is this part of Pollan's advice that I believe to be the most critical and informative much more than avoiding high fructose corn syrup or taking time with meals. It is the most challenging because it requires us to change the way we approach food. It requires a change not what loaf of bread we choose to buy or the places and time we spend eating, but a change in the way we think. It requires us to think in terms of relationships. But if we can start to discuss food and health concerns along with health care, environmental, and immigration issues, recognizing that they is a problem, maybe we can come closer to finding a

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