
Essay about In Demand of a New Reform, But How?

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Throughout the years one of America most important and beneficial reforms has been avoided and ignored. In America today, there are millions of thousands of people who do not have health insurance to be able to seek medical attention especially the Mentally Ill, a target group. Since the early years the closing of many state mental health institutions have been occurring around the United States, forcing millions of patients out in to the street and ending up in prisons. An individual who has a metal health issue needs to be given a sort of treatment not punishment. The mentally ill are not receiving the adequate help and treatment that they deserve and need which causes them to get trapped inside “revolving doors” that are purposely made …show more content…

Therefore the United Sates Government does not see the need to spend so much money on them when they are not even trying to have the whole American public to obtain a honest, fair Health system. In the late 1930’s there were many Mental Health Institutions which were dedicated to actually take care of people and provide them with their own rooms and be well fed. “Eventually over population occurred when “homeless people, tramps, and hobos,”(Leupo, 2001), became patients along side the mentally ill. “Families would often submit their elderly relatives into the asylums because they lacked the resources or or time to deal with them appropriately”(Leupo, 2001). Over crowding occurred when the asylums and institutions did not have a “established criteria for accepting or rejecting people who came into care” (Leupo, 2001). Due to the rapid growth of patients the actual care to each patient suffered. Staff was also short and they could help all of the patients and dedicate them much time. “There was no effort to provide any other programs or support because the state funded the institutions” (Leupo, 2001). The overcrowding became worse causing a decline in patient care and the revival of old procedures and medical treatments began to happen. Patients were beat and abused and were put in restraints. Other procedures included ice water baths, shock machines and

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