What are some examples of in-group language that you use with others who belong to your group?
Some examples of in-group language I use with the people I know would consist of phrases of movies that we have quoted together. Jokes that only we know from past moments we shared. In a family setting we also have certain words that only we as a family understand, memories that we have shared and also past events.
2. How does engaging in in-group language strengthen your bond with your group?
Engaging in in-groups languages strengthens the bond with the people I know, because we share a certain way of communicating, a bond that no one else can compare to. We can communicate by just a look and know what we are talking about. Or we may say just
Language can unify people. English has more than 1.9 billion competent speakers in the world. Charles Foran, author of “Lingua Franchise” calls English a compromise tongue. This means, “default neutral terrain for doing deals and making friends” (100). English is rapidly growing globally.
While reading the interview of Robin D.G. Kelley, I found it interesting how he used history as a way to support his thinking. To go step by step, explain how different points in time had in shaping racism and self-identity was something I found to be very interesting. It brought me back to when I was in AP US History in high school and we read Fredrick Douglas’ book and look at old advertisements. It was shocking to see what was put on to the public, but made sense there was such racial division—if this is what was being feed to the mass public as acceptable, how were they to go against this flow of ideas? This idea was also discussed in this interview as Kelley brings in the two groups of poor white and people of color.
In the editorial “Fighting Words: The War Over Language” By Jon Hooten , he’s argument is that war can be a terrible thing to have and to experience. Through my eyes i see that war can change people due to all the terrible things they saw and some people out there don’t really know much of the affects of wars. He says “Those of us sitting in high school during the winter of 1991 watched the airstrikes on Baghdad through the glassy eyes of CNN, with Peter Arnett and Wolf Blitzer calling the play by play”. What he saying is that in our current century we don’t really have to experience war to be able to know of the affects of war due to the news
My analysis is on the film The Goonies. While I view the movie and determine the various norms, behaviors, roles and interaction between group members, as well as individuals the examination within the realm of film can present many of the same components. Thus, our group selected this movie to analyze based on its formation of a cohesive problem-solving group full of unforgettable characters. The Goonies portray many different theories and aspects of small group communication.
I am very fluent in Spanish now and I my young children are as well. So even speaking another language is helping us grow. Diversity in society helps us grow as individuals and opens our minds to different ways of life.
When communicating with others you need to adapt to different situations, for example, you will use formal language and behaviour in a meeting. Spoken words is not the only way in which we can communicate, it also happens in the way in which we respond to others, for example, the way in which we respond to emails or phone messages, how we respond to others when they are speaking to us and how we dress. Non spoken forms of communication can be an issue of they are misread by adults and children. Different cultures will use
The following memo was developed through deep reflection on the necessary decisions which lead to determine what possible areas of knowledge would be of importance to be analyzed, and the diverse methods and instruments that supported the understanding of the phenomena observed in the areas to be further discussed. In this vein, as a group, we decided to select articles that discuss the Ethics of Care Theory as a paradigm for nursing education. The reasons of our choice were, first due to a general knowledge about Ethics of Care Theory and its relationship with education; and second, the field of nursing provided a neutral arena for our discussions. None of us is related to nursing or any health-related educational
Ketrow, S.M. (1999) Nonverbal aspects of Group Communication. The Handbook of Group Communication Theory and Research, 255.
Group communication follows slightly different ‘rules’ to communication in one-to-one situations. There is often more going on in a group, with a number of different people trying to speak, get their point across and their voice heard. Turn-taking can be more complicated; relationships and power issues between group members can also be more complex than in one-to-one contexts. As a communication context, groups can have a number of benefits for participants: • a group can be an effective way of sharing responsibilities • groups can improve decision-making and problem-solving because they draw on the knowledge and skills of a number of
Learning how to work effectively in a group situation is key to success in many professions as well as in social situations. Groups vary from each other based on the individuals that make up each group, all of us belong to various groups at one time or another. The roles that we fulfill vary from group to
Written material could be prepared before the group met and used to make occurrences clearer to members, who have no knowledge of the subject. The other method is telephones, which can assist the members to gain better understanding of each other. In the use of telephones there is the reduce chance of discrimination since the members can not see each other (if they have not met prior- in some incidences here).
Working within a group or team is unavoidable for most people. We are involved in sports teams, assignment groups, work teams, social groups and a variety of other groups and teams. Each of these groups share one thing in common, that is each requires us to communicate in some way in order to reach a shared goal or target. Therefore, it is imperative to know and understand how to work and communicate effectively with others to maximise outcomes and productivity.
When doing so the other group members were active listener, by using their whole body verbally and nonverbal. Like facing the speaker and giving eye contact and try to avoided interruption. The group also acknowledges the thoughts of the speaker by giving constructive feed back. Due to the effectiveness of the group communication, we were able to build trust, respect and understand the issues and make decision for effective change. We illustrate this by coming together as a group one again to accomplish the goal we initially wanted to accomplish. Since the first organization that we had chosen was incorrect, so we had to make the necessary changes to accomplish our goals. The other effective feature is the purpose of the group. Kozier et al (2010) stated that the effective group purpose is when “goal, task, and outcomes are clarified. Understanding and modified so that members of the group can commit themselves to purposes through cooperation” (p.401). For instance, each individual was assign a task and knew what was to be accomplished. As group we all decided to meet at suitable day and time which was beneficial to all team members, because we could commit to the group and focus on what needed to be achieved.
It is used as a bridge for linking two or more different groups. In communication, especially in bilingual and multilingual society, people have to deal with others in order to communicate successfully. Hence, Formkin, et.al (2003) argues that people make agreement to pick one language on deciding lingua franca in order to satisfy the desire of social and economic interaction. Therefore, we can infer that lingua franca facilitates communication for many purposes between people whose language is
A lot of research has been done on this topic. Many linguistics have surveyed on the social behavior that people have to converse with each other who include Biber and Carter and McCarthy. According to them, there are many characteristics of every day talk. However, before discussing those features, one thing needs to be kept in mind. Even if the situation or the environment calls for a