
In What Way Do You Think Sparknotes

Decent Essays

In the Ryle reading there is a quote that states, “Even when “inner” and “outer” are construed as metaphors, the problem how a person’s mind and body influence one another is notoriously charged with theoretical difficulties.” This is a complicated quote to analyze, but I think that it is essentially saying that our mind and body, even though they are separate, they influence each other depending on the circumstance. The reading states that the mind and body are not the same and that the mind has the capacity to keep everything internal and the body, on the other hand, cannot have that luxury. The body externalizes everything. The reading even goes to such extremes as to say that the mind is essentially just borrowing the body and that when the body dies, the mind can leave the body and keep being alive. When the quote says “the problem how a person’s mind and body influence one another is notoriously charged with theoretical difficulties”, it essentially establishes that since the mind and body influence one another then they have something to do with each other one way or another. In a sense, one cannot exist without the other. The body is completely dependent of the mind to function through its daily life and the mind needs the body to take in theoretical information that it encounters. …show more content…

The author says, “Even when “inner” and “outer” are construed as metaphors..” Essentially, some people might believe that the “outer” and the “inner” part of ourselves are separate and others will think that it is just a metaphor to explain something that is already incredibly complex. Are we a mind, a body, or both? Valid question that has many answers based on the vast amounts of

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