Cole has changed in many different ways but one way is the way he looks at things, especially the world. Cole used to think the world was stupid and dumb, but when he's lying on the ground, almost dead he says “A strange thing occurred to Cole: the world was beautiful. Yes,the world was beautiful!” Pg. 96-97. This shows Cole realized how beautiful the world, and nature actually is when he's lying on the ground almost dead this shows change because as he's slowly dying, instead of thinking about the bad things that have happened in his life, and how terrible his life is he realizes, the world actually isn’t so bad, it's actually beautiful. Also a little before there were baby birds in a tree and there was a thunder storm and the nest the baby
Since, Cole has proven he has changed he should be allowed back to Circle Justice. Cole used to be defiant and blame others for his actions. The text says, “Cole figured he wouldn’t even be here if Peter Driscal had known how to fight back...Rage controlled Cole’s hand as he drew back, pause for a split second, and then flipped the lighted match inside the shelter.” The quote shows how he used to be rebellious and unwilling to take blame for his actions. The text stated, “What had happened to the baby birds?...He called into the darkened branches, “Are you okay?” By Cole asking if the birds are okay it show that he is starting to care for other creature and
Cole did many bad things throughout the story, they all led to consequences. He always found some way to blame it on someone or something other than himself. After being mauled by a bear, who was provoked. Cole blames it for attacking him even though he attacked first. In the text it says, “What luck, Cole thought. To end up on an island with a stupid bear that didn’t have the brains enough to run away.” I think this ridiculous; I am very glad that later in the book while talking about the bear situation he admitted that it was his fault. “He shook his head. ‘My fault!’ he whispered.” This shows he changed because he realized that the assault was his own
“You live, die, and rot, then something else lives, dies, and rots” (83) the circle keeps on going. Cole realizes that he isn’t more important than anyone else in the world. “Besides him a tree has died. Already, ants and bugs were crawled among the cracked bark and splintered wood. For them life went on. With time the tree will rot and become dirt. Then a new seed would fall and grow, and another tree would push upward. Years later, that tree would fall back to the earth and begin the cycle all over again” (83). Cole never noticed what went on around him but now that he did, it helped him realize that everything and everyone must die to continue the
Although the author described what happened when Cole beat up Peter, they didn’t describe the scene when he had broken into a hardware store. The cabin scene is able to add onto one of the troubles he did with the full description. The flames represent the fire Cole started and that destroyed the cabin Edwin had built. The silhouette embodied Cole and how he walked away from all the right sense and just went along with his anger. I portrayed this by the silhoutte having his back turned, like he was walking away.
This quote shows that Cole wants to be believed by his word because he throws the only evidence he has of fighting a Spirit Bear so he can tell the truth. Cole is going to truly change and to start this journey, he plans on always telling the truth. Throughout the story it is seen that Cole always blames everyone on a situation other than himself and you can now tell that Cole is truly changing because he starts to take accountability for his actions. In the story, “‘I didn’t think anybody cared about me anymore,’ Cole said, struggling to speak. ‘That’s why I burned the shelter.’”
”The sight of the BABY birds irritated Cole. Without his injuries, he could of easily have crawled up and knocked the nest down. That’s what those stupid birds deserved,” (pg 75). I bolded baby cause Cole still wanted a living thing that had not gotten to know the world die, he wanted to knock the nest down so they didn’t have a place to stay in a bad storm. It shows how even when Cole made a stupid decision and paid the price he still wanted to do something to make him feel like he was the one in charge, yes he downgraded to a defenseless bird but he still needs the power to make him feel good.
This provides a bigger effect later in the chapters, when Jody dies so Janie is then able to live as she wnatw without Jody tearing her down, so she can finally figure out that she IS the heavens. This represents a new beginning. Nature is represented in this because it talks about man attempting to climb to painless heights, and in this case the painless heights are success and fame. “Some people could look at a mud puddle and see an ocean with ships. But Nanny belonged to that other kind that loved to deal in scraps.
Once his heart is lifted, he sees the true beauty of nature and it’s true meaning.
A few examples are: on page 7 “Later, after school, Cole cornered Peter outside in the parking lot. With anger that had been brewing all day, he attacked him and started hitting him hard in the face with bare fists. Peter was no match and soon Cole had pounded him bloody.” This sentence shows Cole’s inconsiderate self. Also found on page 7 “Cole laughed and spit at him even as he was held back.
For the first time we see Cole’s desire to live. But the greatest change of all, the thing that’s responsible for the rest of his changes is when he’s lying there after a wild storm has knocked down the tree beside him along with its nest. Cole, the person who only cares about himself and blames everybody for everything, wonders about the birds. “Mustering all his strength, he raised his head, and with a weak and pinched voice he called into the darkened branches, “Are you
Cole and Birdee are moving apart from each other because as they are growing up they start to see changes within each other and makes them not like the things they used to play and laugh together. But as Cole gets older she starts to see a change within her sister because of the way she strokes her hand through her head makes her seem white. Cole finds it frustrating living with Birdee and her mother because she always feels she always left out with the language that is always being code-switched. This paragraphs shows windows and mirrors for each other, because they both are figuring each other out by there different personalities and Birdee tries to learn from Cole and tries to show it in her appearance to fit in. Another signpost would
And he was giving it back, everything must be given back, so that, passing through death, it can live forever" (Baldwin, 148).The music went from the beginning of time to that very moment. Showing him through the good and bad. I believe that the statement above from the story talks about the relationship of art to life. How you can tell your story through any form of
In the beginning of the novel, Cole behaves cruelly when he becomes the sharing circle cole reveals much more than most thought about himself. ” cole narrowed his eyes threateningly and peter looked away. Cole grinned.” cole shows that he is violent and out of control in this statement. Cole is known for his violent behavior.
In the year of 2013, J. Cole released one of his hit singles : Crooked Smile . J. Cole is an inspiring musical artists who makes his lyrics to it's a powerful message in the ending . Cole has his songs to where people of different ages and race can catch a vibe because of his influential lyrical background. In the song Crooked Smile , Cole wants you to : embrace your personal flaws , be yourself , and to never limit your abilities to get his message of having a more positive self esteem towards yourself. One thing that J. Cole was saying that it is important to embrace your personal flaws .
Carver presents symbolism throughout his story to represent a darker side of the human heart when it is wounded. “Don’t, she said. You’re hurting the baby, she said. I’m not hurting the baby, he said.” The baby represents the relationship of the man and woman. There is not an actual baby that is being hurt, but their relationship together. Once the “issue was decided” towards the end, it represents how the man and woman’s relationship was no more. In addition, snow is brought up in the beginning to start the mood of the relationship. “...The snow was melting into dirty water.” The snow represents the pure white relationship they had in the beginning. Once the snow melted into dirty water, that shows that their relationship is tainted, fading away, and can never be the same. This also leads into the light that is set towards the house. “The kitchen window gave no light.” The window showing both the darkness of the outside and the inside of the house, represents how darkness is taking over the relationship, and how there is no more light to shine on their love for each other. All three of these symbols connect back to how the man and woman have a codependent relationship.