
Inca Religion Research Paper

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Principal beliefs concerning the origins of the universe
Incas believed that before anything was created, there was a being called Viracocha Pachayachachi, which translates to “Creator of All Things”. He then created everything such as the sun, moon, and stars before he created humans. When he created human he gave them some rules such as there shall be no quarrelling on the earth. As they disobeyed this rule, Viracocha cursed all being on earth. Some were swallowed by the earth and some were swallowed by the sea. He then brought a flood that washed away all the humans.
After the flood Viracocha saved 2 humans who he called upon when he needed help. Out from the dark depths of Lake Titicaca Viracocha bought eternal light to the new earth summoning …show more content…

They believed that there was God for every aspect of the Earth such as the sun, the moon, wind, lightning, rain and all the other elements of the Earth. The Incas believed in many Gods but their creator was only one ‘Viracocha’ who was worshipped before Inca times by people in Peru. At the time, people believed that Viracocha was the creator of all living and non-living things. Since then, many of the Inca beliefs and faith system is based on what was created by Viracocha.
Although Viracocha is the Inca God, Inca religion also provided with many other layers of worship and beliefs. This is the case with what was known as the secondary tier of their religion known as the astral level. This involved worshipping other Gods as well as the sun, the moon and the stars. Although the Incas believed that the dimension of earth was meant for man it was no less magical or grand as many places resembled shrines such as rocks, mountain peaks, caves and natural springs offering places of worship for the …show more content…

Each God had different roles and attributes. The Incas believed that the Gods had special powers that influenced certain aspects of nature around them, so the Incas would often worship these Gods in order to please them. The Incas held in high esteem five major deities that they relied upon in order for their society to function properly.
The most important Inca God was Viracocha whom they believed was their creator. They believed that Viracocha was in a form of human. They also believed that the Sun God is the divine ancestor who had control over the other Gods. The Incas usually worshipped the Inti God through religious ceremonies held in their temples. Other important deities were the Mother Earth (Pacha-mama) who protected the land, the Weather God (Ilyap’a) whom Incas prayed to for rain, the Mother Moon (Mama-Quilla) and the Water Goddess

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