
Incarceration Statistics Essay

Decent Essays

Based on the U.S. Census Bureau, there are approximately 319 million people in the United States of America. Of the 319 million people, a little over thirteen percent are African-American, seventeen percent are Latino and Hispanic, and nearly sixty three percent are White, non-Hispanic. Although the white population is nearly triple of any other ethic population in the U.S., the incarceration statistics show numbers that are drastically different and are alarming to say the least. Racial and ethnic minorities account for thirty percent of the U.S. population but they make up sixty percent of those incarcerated. 1 out of 15 black men are incarcerated and only 1 out of 106 white men will be prisoned in their lifetime. When it comes to confrontations …show more content…

According to Michael Tonry, in his reading Race, Bias, and Politics, police practices and legislative executive policy decisions systematically treated black offenders differently and more severely than whites. Police also concentrated more on the inner city and minority neighborhoods where the majority of blacks lived. In the 1980s and 1990s legislatures and even administrative agencies established policies that mandated sentences for violent and drug crimes, for both of which blacks are disproportionately arrested and …show more content…

Blacks are also twenty one percent more likely to receive mandatory minimum sentences than their white counterparts. Why, you ask? Well, our judicial system has a lot to do with the unequal justice in the United States, which in turn helps increase the number of minorities that receive sentences and incarceration. Most of the offenders come from urban and poor neighborhoods and of course do not have the money for a private attorney so they are represented by a public defender that has less time and resources to fight for their freedom. Furthermore, that same public defender, works beside the prosecutor and judge that resides over the case. The system is set up so that people of color will fail and not

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