
Inclusion For Students With Special Needs

Better Essays

In the Education discipline, there has been a long debate for many years over the topic of inclusion. Inclusive education is defined as students with disabilities, being supported in age appropriate general education classrooms, at their home school, and receiving specialized instruction as needed per the student’s IEP (Individualized Education Program) within the general education class curriculum and activities. Inclusion is there to help student with special needs in attending school regularly with their friends and peers while being accommodated as needed, per their IEP, to help achieve the student’s academic goals and be successful. The topic of inclusion has been researched for many years. Inclusion will continue to be researched, so that faculty and teachers at elementary schools can continue to better themselves in inclusion practices for students with special need, and also to continue to progress towards full inclusion of these students with special needs in a general education classroom. Since there is a lot in the news about inclusion in schools across the U.S., for this essay, I began my search about inclusion in the Education discipline by finding scholarly articles on the subject, along with other online news sources concerning this subject in my area of study. By doing so, I hope to have a better understanding of inclusion than I have already attained, so that I am better able to create possible ideas for topics to write future essays throughout this

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