Incredible Historical Document The constitution is a distinguished american document because the men of the eighteenth century put so much effort into fabricating it. After declaring their freedom from England with the Declaration of Independance the colonies needed to form their own government. It would not be a king. The congressmen worked strenuously to create the fairest government for everyone—deliberately excluding a king from their plan. They debated and compromised until the constitution was just right. Proudly the gentlemen called the new government a federal republic. In this type of government the people, who are citizens of America, voted for lawmakers and representatives. The people could choose representatives they thought would
To begin, one of the major influencing factors of the US Constitution is Ancient Rome. Ancient Rome impacted the US Constitution because it was a republic. A republic is a form of government where leaders receive their power from the people. This practice of republicanism allowed the citizens of Ancient Rome to have the ability to vote for officials and representatives. Like the Roman Republic, the US Constitution is a republican form of government where citizens can also vote for officials like congressmen, senators, and presidents. A republican form of government was implemented in the US Constitution because under British rule, the colonists had very little representation in government. This caused them to become enraged, so when creating the US
On July 4, 1776, the United States of America declared independence from England because England’s king, King George III, was a tyrant who was abusing his power. Tyranny is brutal and repressive power by one person or few people in charge such as a king or queen. The Articles of Confederation represented the first written constitution for the United States of America. A new constitution was needed because with the Articles of Confederation, each state was independent and not united. The states ruled like individual countries instead of one united country. In Philadelphia 1787, a gathering called the Constitutional Convention was held where 55 delegates from 12 out of the 13 states (Rhode Island was not there) met discussed and wrote our constitution that we know and love today. The constitution guarded against tyranny through federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and The Great Compromise.
Early colonists needed to have a written document that recognized the purposes and roles of their national government. This need arose soon after they declared their independence from Great Britain. Because of their experience, they feared strong national governments but needed a constitution to bind their states together & protect them from future assaults and to strengthen their economy by trading with each other and other nations. The document that was adopted by the continental congress was the Article of confederation. But because of its weakness, the colonists needed a stronger federal government which forced them to adopt the new Constitution. (Keene, Cornell, & O’Donnell, 2011).
The Constitution of the United States of America is apparently one of the best documents ever to be written. For quite a long time, individuals have dependably thought the Constitution has been honored and adored, however this is not the situation. Prior to the Constitution, the Articles of Confederation managed the settlements, yet was immediately abolished in light of the fact that they were excessively powerless. On September 17, 1787, the constitution was made for the representatives, who at last got an understanding and endorsed the documents over which they had toiled since May. The constitution created another structure for American improvement.
The United States Constitution was written to serve as a framework to represent U.S. law. Today, with some adjustments and modifications, the Constitution still stands as the law of the land. Within its confines, the Constitution grants a division of power between state, local, and the federal government. No government is iron clad or perfect and sometimes there are situations between all levels of government that may present conflicts of interest.
The U.S Constitution is one of the most, if not the most, important documents ever written in political history. The constitution established America’s national government and provided the fundamental framework for the present and future legal parameters by which the american people would be governed by. The Constitution was officially signed September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia during a constitutional convention. In order for the constitution to actually be an official document, it had to have been ratified meaning that at least nine of the thirteen states present had to approve this document. It was easy for the first seven voters to make their decisions who were pro-constitution (federalists), but nevertheless, there were people, anti-federalists, who did not support the constitution. Although they did not want the Articles of Confederation in place, neither did they want to ratify the constitution because they opposed of having a strong central government. The ratification of the constitution changed the face of the United States and set forth a model for future documents to come. Federalists fought very hard against their opposing party. Why was it so important to the federalist to get this constitution ratified? The constitution not only meant something to the federalists, but without this ratification, it could have led to secession, and this ratification was needed to make improvements to the government.
The United States Constitution was written more than 200 years ago and it has been used as the foundation for the government. The constitution has been and still remains the most durable political agreement in the history of the world. Even though an inspiring document, its creation was not that easy but controversial. Its framers were divided over a number of major issues which led to lengthy arguments when it was being written. After its creation the Constitution still remains controversial. It
In 1776 the United States declared its independence from the tyrannical British Empire and has been growing as a nation ever since then. The first constitution that the United States developed as a united country was the Articles of Confederation, which failed horribly. But learning from the mistakes made in the Articles of Confederation the brilliant minds of early America drafted the Constitution, a document that still governs the states to this day with only being amended 27 times. In order to be this successful it was written very broadly with a lot of room for interpretation because every problem couldn’t be addressed. One problem that the Founding
What is the American Constitution? It’s the blue print or the basic principles that regulates and organizes the American Government and its governmental bodies such as: the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court. It establishes the boundaries of power within the three branches of government and overall, is the supreme law of the land. The Constitution ensures that power is distributed so that our nation doesn’t fall back into a totalitarian government.
The Constitution has governed the United States for nearly 200 years. It has been the subject of controversy since its genesis. There was a need to expand powers of the central government in order to enforce and better regulate foreign affairs, conduct war and regulate currency across the states. State representatives struggled to divide power fairly between the states and the central government. The main controversy was similar to the original reason the confederation declared its independence from England. Representation.
Furthermore, the Constitution of the United States “the supreme law of the land”, with only 4,400 words, is known to be the most influential piece of writing in the world. The Constitution was originally the Articles of Confederation. The point of the Constitution was to create a stronger and more powerful central government to govern the states fairly. As people started realizing the Articles of Confederation was not doing its job of
Constitutions are ordinances set forth by a legislative body to establish the foundations of a government. The United States of America wrote their constitution to set the rules in place for the branches of government, their separate powers, and the limitations of the federal government. Since the United States operates under a federalist government, each state is responsible for establishing their own governments. There arise the states’ constitutions. There are inevitable differences between the content of a constitution of a state versus that of the federal government.
A constitution is a written document that sets forth the fundamental rules by which a society is governed. Throughout the course of history the United States has lived under two Constitutions since the British-American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain in 1776. First in line was the Articles of Confederation (1789-1789) followed by the Constitution of United States of America (1789-present). The Articles of Confederation was the first formal written Constitution of America that specified how the national government was to operate. Unfortunately, the Articles did not last long. Under the words of the Article’s power was limited; Congress could make decisions, but had no power to enforce them. Also the articles stated
The United States Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world. It was originally written on four pieces of parchment paper behind closed by white men who gained acceptance by the citizens. The constitution created a government that is for the people and by the people. Through the years it has had the ability to change as we the people and as a county have changed including our views, ideologies and social standards.
The Constitution was written so that the Federal Government would actually have some ability to govern unlike it had in the previous Articles of Confederation. They wished to establish a more organized justice system which under the Articles, was the States responsibility and could vary greatly from place to place. They also wanted the ability to raise an Army, to help protect its citizen’s lives and liberties. After The Revolution many of the founding fathers feared a large government and preferred smaller and more localized forms of government. And with that lead to the Articles of Confederation, the original governing documents, that assembled a very weak and decentralized Federal Government and the States had most of the power. Years later many of the founders did not feel that this was the best form of government, getting the States to assemble and agree on nearly any bill was impossible including funding for the Federal Governments very existence.